EGU Blogs

4948 search results for "6"


“Please, in my backyard”: Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg’s low-carbon overhaul at the forefront of Germany’s energy transition

The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy (ELEEP) Network brings together young professionals from Europe and North America with the aim of fostering transatlantic relations. Former EGU Science Communications Fellow and ELEEP member Edvard Glücksman describes a study visit to Hamburg’s Wilhelmsburg borough, an unlikely leader in within Germany’s energy transition. This is his final p ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: White mist on White Island

White Island, also known as Whakaari, is an active stratovolcano off the coast of New Zeland’s North Island, nested in the northern end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Much of its activity is made up of bubbling mud pools and steamy, sulphurous clouds from fumaroles like the one below – sights that attracts many a tourist to the marine volcano. Over the last 200 or so years, a large part of White Isla ...[Read More]


A volcanic retrospective: eruptions of the Soufrière, St Vincent

A volcanic retrospective: eruptions of the Soufrière, St Vincent

The records, reports and testimonies of past volcanic eruptions and their consequences contain a wealth of information from which we can learn valuable lessons. This, in a nutshell, is the starting point of one strand of the STREVA project, ‘Strengthening Resilience in Volcanic Areas‘, which is a large programme funded by two British funding agencies (NERC and ESRC) and directed from t ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Changes in soil carbon sequestration in Pinus massoniana forests along an urban-to-rural gradient of southern China

Chen, H., Zhang, W., Gilliam, F., Liu, L., Huang, J., Zhang, T., Wang, W., Mo, J. 2013.  Changes in soil carbon sequestration inPinus massoniana forests along an urban-to-rural gradient of southern China. Biogeosciences 10, 6609-6616. DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-6609-2013 Abstract Urbanization is accelerating globally, causing a variety of environmental changes such as increases in air temperature, precipi ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Field Research in Guatemala (2) – Observing and Understanding Place

Over the next couple of months, Joel Gill (GfGD Founding Director) will be reporting live from Guatemala, whilst undertaking interdisciplinary field research relating to natural hazards and disaster risk reduction. This fieldwork forms part of a NERC/ESRC funded PhD, supervised by staff in the Department of Geography at King’s College London.  One of the first things I want to do when arriving in ...[Read More]


The Botanic Gardens of St Vincent and the Grenadines

The Botanic Gardens of St Vincent and the Grenadines

The oldest Botanical Gardens in the western hemisphere lie on the outskirts of Kingstown, St Vincent, in the Windward isles of the West Indies – and what a gem they are. As the ironwork above the entrance declares, the gardens were founded in 1765. The original ambition of Robert Melville, the then Governor in Chief of the Windward Isles, was to establish a horticultural research station for ...[Read More]


Read all about it! The latest on EGU journals

The last month has been a big one for the EGU’s publications, with a new journal in the pipeline, another adopting interactive peer review and a new addition to Web of Science. Here’s the latest… Say hello to SOIL We will be launching a new interactive, open access journal at the EGU 2014 General Assembly. SOIL is dedicated to the publication and discussion of high-quality research in the field of ...[Read More]


Earthquake lights

A very interesting article about earthquake lights has been published in this month Seismological Research Letters. Earthquake lights are an aerial phenomenon when unusual light is seen just above the ground or high up in the sky before and/or during an earthquak. Mysterious lights in the sky have been a sensation ever since but their appearance has long had baseless explanations suggesting either ...[Read More]