EGU Blogs

4949 search results for "6"


The Young Earth Scientists Network

Are you looking to join a global network of earth scientists? The Young Earth Scientists Network (YES Network) is an association of earth-scientists who are primarily under the age of 35 years that represent geological organisations and companies from across the world. The network has been established quite recently, in 2007, and has been running annual meetings since then. Each meeting has been h ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Variability of above-ground litter inputs alters soil physicochemical and biological processes: a meta-analysis of litterfall-manipulation experiments

Xu, S., Liu, L. L., Sayer, E. J. 2013. Variability of above-ground litter inputs alters soil physicochemical and biological processes: a meta-analysis of litterfall-manipulation experiments. Biogeosciences 10, 7423-7433. DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-7423-2013 Abstract Global change has been shown to alter the amount of above-ground litter inputs to soil greatly, which could cause substantial cascading effec ...[Read More]


Counterintuitive solutions improve public transportation and urban design in Seattle

The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy (ELEEP) Network brings together young professionals from Europe and North America with the aim of fostering transatlantic relations. Former EGU Science Communications Fellow and ELEEP member Edvard Glücksman reports back from a study tour of the US Pacific Northwest. After describing urban planning strategies in Oregon in his first post, here ...[Read More]


Update on the eruption of Gunung Kelud

The dramatic eruption of Gunung Kelud, or Kelut, led to a flurry of images of ash appearing on many social media platforms, including Flickr, Instagram and Twitter. As an experiment in a volcanology class, we sought out images that we could locate on a map, and by classifying the ash deposits as ‘light’, ‘moderate’ or ‘heavy’, generated a very rough contour map ...[Read More]


Scientists are humans

The title of this article may come as a bit of a shock, but it’s true. Scientists aren’t born scientists; they start off just like any other person and one day decide that the natural world is fascinating enough to them that they want to make a career out of figuring out its secrets. But, sometimes it is hard as an ‘outsider’ to see into science, especially academia. Sometimes it can seem like sci ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Scope for science and art

Great geoscience photographs aren’t always shots of beautiful landscapes. Sometimes there are stunning things to see at a much smaller scale. This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays showcases one such curiosity and highlights how research images can reveal a lot about the natural world when exhibited as a form of art. Thin sections are a fantastic way of finding out more about rocks, soils and tissue struc ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Effects of belowground litter addition, increased precipitation and clipping on soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a temperate steppe

Ma, L., Guo, C., Xin, X., Yuan, S., Wang, R. 2013. Effects of belowground litter addition, increased precipitation and clipping on soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a temperate steppe. Biogeosciences 10, 7361-7372. DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-7361-2013 Abstract Soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling are sensitive to changes in environmental factors and play critical roles in the responses of ter ...[Read More]


EGU Seismology Division on Facebook

The Seismology Division within EGU has launched its Facebook page. The page is public and can be viewed without having a Facebook account. The scope of this page is for the Seismology Division to reach out further to its EGU members. The page will be used to share EGU related information, feature recent papers or discussions, and to share seismology-related news. EGU members who have a Facebook ac ...[Read More]


The eruption of Kelut, Java, February 2014

I have used to put together a synopsis of the February eruption of Kelut, Java, Indonesia. There are some additional links to more detailed posts and related information below. Related posts Fascinating technical analysis of the satellite data from Nicarnica Aviation Erik Klemetti on Wired Volcano Discovery updates on Kelud Satellite imagery collated by Imageo on Discover Magazine Coll ...[Read More]


The Kameni islands, Santorini, Greece

A glimpse of the spectacular Kameni or ‘burnt’ islands of Santorini, Greece from the air reveals in intricate detail the overlapping lava flows, explosion craters and fields of volcanic ash from which the islands have been built in successive eruptions over the past 2000 years, and more. Of course, what we can see from the air is just the literal ‘tip’ of the present-day vo ...[Read More]