Hi, this is your ST-ECS team 2023-2024. We are a group of Early Career Scientists (ECSs) of the Solar-Terrestrial (ST) division, and we organize events and activities with and for ST-ECS, both during the EGU General Assembly and throughout the year. Our aim is to increase the visibility of ECSs and provide you with opportunities for networking. Dr. Liliana Macotela, ECS Representative Lilia ...[Read More]
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Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
GMPV Early Career Scientists at #EGU24
Just a few days and EGU24 will start (Are you ready?)!! We are sure you will discover new amazing researches about Geosciences, but, remember, EGU is also social events and networking! The ECS team of GMPV (and other Divisions) will be at the GA, and you can find us with short course and events around the ACV. Here is a list of where and when you can find us! Sunday 14 April Get ready for the Open ...[Read More]
The new EGU colouring books!
Every year EGU tries to provide more ways for people to interact with us and in 2021 we were delighted when one of our Artists in Residence Kelly Stanford, working together with members of our EDI Committee created a free colouring book! It was so popular that we decided to make two more, one with simpler drawings based on common Earth, planetary and space related concepts, nominally targeted at y ...[Read More]
There’s something for everyone at EGU24: Education, Outreach and Science Communication sessions
Science is a bit like posting a letter – once you’ve written the letter it needs to be delivered to the right people and in the right way. At EGU24 attendees are invited to participate in the numerous and diverse selection of sessions which aim to improve how you deliver your research, how you understand the needs of different audiences – from policy-makers to school students – and whi ...[Read More]
Join the EGU GD Blog Team!
Meet the ECS team: Your Go-To Contacts for EGU General Assembly 2024
Hey there dear geodesy ECSs, EGU is right around the corner. We wanted to check in and make sure that you are navigating around a bit better. Maybe you are not sure who to ask about the ECS dinner, networking opportunities at GA, or how to get involved with our team or within EGU, or you simply need help. Well, wonder no more! Allow us to introduce ourselves – we’re the Geodesy ECS (Early Ca ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Are you ready for EGU 2024?
Are you planning on attending the EGU General Assembly happening very shortly in Vienna, Austria? – We are! As every year, we are very much looking forward to connecting with you during the various events and are very excited to already share some of our highlights with you today. Keep an eye open on social media for daily cryosphere highlights during EGU! Would you like to meet us? Find us ...[Read More]
How to make the most of EGU24: from EGU Events Manager Jane Roussak
The countdown to EGU24 continues and we are now only DAYS away from the much anticipated conference week. With an event of such magnitude, it’s no surprise that some people, particularly first time attendees, may find it intimidating to navigate the conference. Don’t you worry… I’ve got you covered! So whether you’re attending the EGU General Assembly for the first or ...[Read More]
Outstanding Student and PhD-candidate Presentation (OSPP) top tips from previous winners and judges!
Every year at the General Assembly hundreds of students present their research with a lot of time and effort going into preparing these presentations. With the aim to further improve the overall quality of poster presentations and more importantly, to encourage Early Career Scientists to present their work in the form of a poster, the OSP Awards (as they were formerly known), were born. Since the ...[Read More]
Top 3 Geoparks to Visit in Greece
Have you started planning your summer holidays, or do you desperately need to escape work? Well, rest assured we’ve got you all covered. In this week’s blog, we aim to take you on a Geojourney around the most diverse and spectacular Geoparks you can visit, the next time you travel to Greece. Greece is well known as one of the top travel destinations around the world with its dreamy sandy b ...[Read More]