Welcome back to the HydroData Chronicles! In our previous post, we explored the innovative pRecipe package developed by Mijael Rodrigo Vargas Godoy and Yannis Markonis in 2023 and its impact on precipitation research. Today, we shift our focus to Italy with the introduction of the Italian FlOod and Catchment Atlas (FOCA) database, introduced in 2023 by Pierluigi Claps, Giulia Evangelista, Daniele ...[Read More]
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GeoTalk: meet Kara Müller, researcher of biodegradable plastic!
Hello Kara. Thank you for joining this edition of GeoTalk! Could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your background? Thank you, Simon. I am excited to join you for the interview. I grew up in the middle of Germany in Bad Homburg, close to Frankfurt. After school, I travelled through Australia with occasional jobs, and after one year, I decided to return to Germany to study chemis ...[Read More]
An Arctic enigma: Can a single plume explain a massive and long-lived ancient volcanic eruption?
Across the Arctic lies evidence for a massive past volcanic event, called the High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP). This ancient volcanic event is particularly unusual in that it appears to have lasted for over 50 million years. Could a single deep-seated mantle plume cause such wide-spread and long-lived volcanism? In a recent study published in the journal G-cubed (Heyn et al., 2024 ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Women of Cryo VII: Making Fieldwork More Inclusive
Women make up 50.8% of the world’s population, yet fewer than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. Of this percentage, women of colour comprise around 5%, with less than 1% represented in geoscience faculty positions. Women are published less, paid less, and do not progress as far in their careers as men. Even within our EGU community, women account for only one third of all members, and make ...[Read More]
Ocean hypoxia: what does the increase of dead zones mean for marine life?
When runoff from farmland and urban areas enters our streams and rivers, it carries a heavy load of fertilizers and nutrients. These substances accumulate and flow into our coastal oceans, triggering a series of reactions that can create hypoxic ‘dead zones’. Dead zones are low-oxygen, or hypoxic, areas in the world’s oceans and lakes. Because most organisms need oxygen to live, very f ...[Read More]
Hydrological Sciences
How to Convene an EGU Session in Hydrology
Have you ever thought about convening an EGU session instead of just attending them? Until September 9th you have the chance to do just that for the 2025 General Assembly, which will be taking place from April 27 to May 2 in Vienna, Austria. Convening a session can sound a bit intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before or if you are an early career scientist. However, it’s an i ...[Read More]
Modeling the Early Earth: Idealization and its Aims I
The question of how we came to be is closely tied with how the Earth became what it now is. What was the early Earth like? How did it evolve to become a habitable world? Given a fragmentary rock record, how can we investigate the early Earth and its evolution? Dr. Junjie Dong from Caltech writes about modeling the early Earth in a two-part blog. For the first part, he introduces the approach to e ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Cryobook review: The Quickening
Even before its publication, my partner stumbled over the book The Quickening by Elizabeth Rush on Twitter and send it to me. In this book, Rush describes her journey to Thwaites Glacier and – as I was very curious about it – I bought it immediately after its release. It is not only documentary work about the journey, but also a meditation on responsibility, motherhood and life in a world of chang ...[Read More]
Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
Volcanism, anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, and mass extinctions
Only a very small fraction of the energy produced by nuclear fusion in the Sun (3.82 x 1023 kW) reaches the top of the Earth’s atmosphere (1.7 x 1014 kW), and then only about 50% of it reaches the Earth surface, where it is absorbed by the oceans and land. This energy is radiated back as longwave infrared radiation, which is partially absorbed and after reradiated downward to the surface by the gr ...[Read More]
Lights, Camera, Abstract!: Your guide to creating a top-notch video abstract
Have you ever considered creating a video abstract but didn’t know where to begin or felt you lacked the skills to produce something of the quality you envisioned? Join me today as I welcome EGU’s editorial manager, Eduardo Queiroz Alves, who will address common questions and guide you through the process. Hello, Eduardo! Thank you so much for joining me to discuss creating a video abstract. ...[Read More]