EGU Blogs

4940 search results for "6"


Was that a meteor or a re-entry ? The final frontier for satellites when their mission ends

Was that a meteor or a re-entry ? The final frontier for satellites when their mission ends

Like humans, satellites have a lifespan. These machines orbiting high above Earth serve various critical purposes that range from monitoring weather systems and tracking greenhouse gases to studying the cosmos. But even the most advanced satellites reach a point when their electronics wear out, their fuel depletes, and their missions come to an end. When their time is up, what becomes of these tir ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Mapping the Future of Freshwater: An Interview with Niko Wanders on the World Water Map Project

Mapping the Future of Freshwater: An Interview with Niko Wanders on the World Water Map Project

Back in 2022, two hydrologists and water resources specialists from University of Utrecht launched the World Water Map  in collaboration with the National Geographic Society and ESRI. Based on the outputs of their global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB, the team of Marc Bierkens and Niko Wanders map global water resources and identify the regions most at risk of water scarcity. The maps combine stat ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

An epic blockbuster of natural extreme forces: natural hazards through cinematic lenses

An epic blockbuster of natural extreme forces: natural hazards through cinematic lenses

Do you enjoy watching natural hazard movies? Exploring the unfolding of the Earth’s immense power, the level of destruction, human responses and resilience? Can movies offer a glimpse into the chaos and devastation that natural hazard events can bring? Imagine the havoc a storm surge overtopping the Thames Barrier could cause in London. Without a doubt, natural hazard movies raise questions about ...[Read More]

Ocean Sciences

Sailing for Science: How Data from Sailing Races Advances Ocean Research

Sailing for Science: How Data from Sailing Races Advances Ocean Research

The Vendée Globe began on November 10th, with 44 participants embarking on the world’s toughest sailing race. This non-stop, single-handed round-the-world yacht race challenges skippers to circumnavigate the Southern Ocean. The race starts in France, traverses the North Atlantic, and heads directly into the Southern Ocean. Despite taking place during the austral summer, the conditions remain ...[Read More]


Go to EGU by train!

Picture of going to EGU by train

We encourage you to travel to EGU by train! Here are 4 train journey stories from the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and France to inspire your trip. From the UK with Interrail (by Becky Varney) 🇬🇧 What was your motivation to take the train? As travelling to a primarily climate focused conference, I wanted to try and reduce my carbon footprint as best I could. I also think trains are a really nice wa ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Newly released: Aurora Handbook and Field Guide for citizen science studies in view of the upcoming SolarMaX campaign

Newly released: Aurora Handbook and Field Guide for citizen science studies in view of the upcoming SolarMaX campaign

Given the recent surge in solar and geomagnetic activity, spectacular auroral displays have been visible down to the mid-latitudes several times since the beginning of 2024. But it is not always so easy to know when to go out, where to look, and how to take good pictures of the aurora. And what if the observations collected by seasoned and first-time aurora chasers could help in advancing the scie ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Did you know? Machine learning can help us understand the cryosphere!

A bar chart showing in which years how many publications included machine learning.

    Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool within cryospheric sciences, offering innovative and effective solutions for observing, modelling and understanding the frozen regions of the Earth. From learning snowfall patterns and predicting avalanche dynamics to speeding up the process of modelling ice sheets, ML has transformed cryospheric sciences and bears many o ...[Read More]


The Up-Goer Five challenge: Can you explain your science using only the thousand most common English words?

The Up-Goer Five challenge: Can you explain your science using only  the thousand most common English words?

Science plays an important role in understanding and shaping the world we live in. It is the foundation for new knowledge and technologies. But due to its complexity, science is often hard to grasp especially for the broader public. To build public trust in science, it is important to make scientific findings accessible to everyone. Therefore, they need to be communicated in ways that everyone can ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

How to Promote Your EGU25 Session 

How to Promote Your EGU25 Session 

Since October 23rd, abstract submissions for EGU25 are officially open! For session conveners, this is a critical phase and promoting your session is crucial.  If you are co-convening a  “traditional” session on a large topic that is run every year you might be inundated with abstracts already now or shortly before the deadline. However, many smaller sessions on more niche topics receive far fewer ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

October 2024 floods in the Valencia region, Eastern Spain: One example too many of hazardous debris

October 2024 floods in the Valencia region, Eastern Spain: One example too many of hazardous debris

The recent devastating flash floods in Valencia region, Eastern Spain, have once more highlighted the role of large debris in enhancing urban flood hazard. Urban debris – so-called Urban Flood Drifters (UFDs) – are very varied as shown by a recent survey. They include vehicles, deadwood, waste bins, containers of many types, construction materials, and many other objects. Once these ar ...[Read More]