EGU Blogs

131 search results for "geopolicy"


The European Science-Media Hub: Bringing scientists, journalists and policymakers together

The European Science-Media Hub: Bringing scientists, journalists and policymakers together

This month’s GeoPolicy blog post introduces the European Science-Media Hub (ESMH) along with its key initiatives. It also takes a deeper dive into the organisation through a Q&A that we were thrilled to have with the Head of the European Parliament’s Scientific Foresight Unit Theo Karapiperis and the coordinator of the ESMH Svetla Tanova-Encke.   In 2017, the European Parliament’s Panel f ...[Read More]


Top 5 Gifts for Geoscientists (2021 edition!)

Top 5 Gifts for Geoscientists (2021 edition!)

Well it’s that time of year again when many people start looking for seasonal gifts for their loved ones, colleagues and others, but although you may have already sorted your gift for a geoscientist, we are here to help you if you are still looking for inspiration. If you want more ideas check back on our previous gifts for geoscientists suggestions, including last year’s suggestions f ...[Read More]


The place of Biodiversity in EU Policy

The place of Biodiversity in EU Policy

Biodiversity is an essential component of life on Earth and of human society, and is now a primary focus area of the European Union with the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 launched in 2020 as part of the European Green Deal. The Biodiversity Strategy has some extremely ambitious targets that will require new legislation and processes in a multitude of different areas that are related to the g ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Meet Mengze Li, atmospheric chemist and the Atmospheric Sciences Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Meet Mengze Li, atmospheric chemist and the Atmospheric Sciences Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

Hi Mengze, thank you for spending your time with us today. Could you tell our readers a little about yourself? Hi Simon, thanks for the interview today. I’m happy to tell more about myself. I was born in China, lived and studied there until I finished my Bachelor’s study. After that I went to Germany for Master’s and doctoral degrees. Last year I have finished my PhD at Max Planck Institute for Ch ...[Read More]


EGU virtual Science-Policy Pairing Scheme with MEP Maria Spyraki

EGU virtual Science-Policy Pairing Scheme with MEP Maria Spyraki

The EGU sponsors an annual science-policy pairing scheme each year to help promote a culture of evidence-informed policymaking and encourage stronger science-policy partnerships! The EGU’s 2020/21 pairing scheme was slightly different from normal, being run virtually rather than in person as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions. This month’s GeoPolicy blog post is written by Renée Bic ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Post #vEGU21 hydrological reflections

Post #vEGU21 hydrological reflections

#vEGU21 is over and it was an intense two-week period for many of us. Whether you occasionally zapped in or kept your whole last week free to join online, you certainly have heard a lot about it. Here I have collected a few reflections from the events related to the hydrological sciences division. The conference first week The first week presented several Union-wide debates and sessions. We learne ...[Read More]


Accessibility at EGU: Promoting inclusive language, an incomplete guide – VERSION 2!

Accessibility at EGU: Promoting inclusive language, an incomplete guide – VERSION 2!

Like all people, geoscientists can sometimes forget the importance of language. How scientists use language is important because it not only allows us to communicate effectively with different groups, from policymakers to concerned citizens and other researchers, but it can also influence how people respond on an emotional or personal level.  The way we use language can even influence how much som ...[Read More]


Top 5 GeoLog posts of 2020!

Top 5 GeoLog posts of 2020!

Happy New Year!!   2020 has been a pretty relentless and turbulent year – and a lot has happened. Here at EGU headquarters (currently spread across our staff’s several homes) we all know how much we owe to you, our members, followers and friends, this year, through all the highs and the lows. We honestly could not have made it through without our wonderful community – and yo ...[Read More]


Accessibility at EGU: Promoting inclusive language, an incomplete guide

Accessibility at EGU: Promoting inclusive language, an incomplete guide

Like all people, geoscientists can sometimes forget the importance of language. How scientists use language is important because it not only allows us to communicate effectively with different groups, from policymakers to concerned citizens and other researchers, but it can also influence how people respond on an emotional or personal level.  The way we use language can even influence how much som ...[Read More]