Tom Gleeson (University of Victoria), Viviana Re (University of Pisa)
Now that we have your attention…
We have started releasing the Water Underground Talks that we introduced in this post. You can find the full list of talks on this new webpage.
Our motivation from the start was to provide new resources to instructors around the world who teach hydrogeology or groundwater hydrology as we explained in the Trailer on Youtube.
For each Water Underground Talk, we also provide ‘Instructor resources’ which is a small PowerPoint presentation file that any instructor can freely use in their class. The presentation contains:
- Questions for discussion (the unanswered questions posed by the presenter)
- One article the presenter finds very inspiring
- Articles mentioned in the presentation (usually a paper by the presenter or colleagues)
We’ve been starting to show the videos in class and using these resources. Here’s what we’re doing…During or after watching the video in class, we divide the students into breakout groups to answer the questions posed in the talk. Since we are teaching online, we can set up and share a google doc (see example below), where each group answers the posed questions. This helps for giving groups a tangible deliverable for the breakout, for monitoring the progress of groups, and for summarizing student answers after the breakout session
The students have already expressed how much they appreciate these videos – to hear about different groundwater situations from around the world from passionate, great presenters. Give them a try in your classroom and let us know what you and your students think!