We are peering into the not-so-distant future to imagine what the brand geniuses of the future will be serving up for discerning water consumers!
The Brand: Ogallala
Source: Great Plains
Why? Deep down, you know you love it.
Promotional Copy:
Ogallala Water: GET PUMPED.
Swill waters run deep so we go deep, deep, deep into the Great Plains water table to pipe this ancient, undisturbed water to your table. No raunchy reuse here. Ogallala Water is guaranteed free of questionable recharge sources and serves up 30% less* in every freshly-pumped bottle.
*50% less in some areas. Supplies are limited.
Consume less fantasy and more facts at:
- USGS Water Science School: Groundwater Depletion (Note the red-riddled map!)
- From the Washington Post Wonkblog, How long before the Great Plains runs out of water?
- The pool of water under the Midwest is being sucked dry. The drought is making it worse via Grist.org
- The Ogallala Aquifer: Saving a Vital U.S. Water Source via ScientificAmerican.com
Reposted with permission from thristyinsuburbia.com.