Permeability data is tucked many dusty corners of the web and in even dustier reports, books and thesis. The purpose of the Crustal Permeability Data Portal is to ‘unearth’ (pun intended!) permeability data by providing links to online, peer-reviewed permeability data that is open to anyone around the world.
This data portal collates links to other data sources rather than hosting data and is a community-based effort that grew out of a compilation of papers on Crustal Permeability (Geofluids special edition and forthcoming Wiley book).
A related community-based effort is the Digital Crust which a 4D data system of spatially-located data. The Crustal Permeability Data Portal is different from the Digital Crust since it will not host data and data does not have to be spatially located.
Why should I contribute data?
- data availability is crucial to the core scientific principle of reproducibility
- sharing is easy and feels good
- some journals (e.g. Nature) and most scientific funding agencies (NSF, NSERC, NERC etc.) encourage or require data management and sharing
What are the data requirements?
- Peer-reviewed, that is published in a peer-reviewed journal, book or report
- Permeability or other related fluid flow and transport parameters such as porosity, storage etc.
- Hosted on a publicly available on an online data repository such as figshare or institutional webpages such as the USGS
It’s simple: All you need to do is upload your data and fill out this form.