Geology for Global Development

Geology for Global Development

Friday Photo: Pressure ridges from the Kaikoura earthquake

This photo was taken by Jack Williams from the University of Otago during mapping of the surface rupture from the recent Kaikoura earthquake. It shows pressure ridges in road from subsidiary strand of Hundalee Fault. You can read more about his field work on yesterday’s blog.

Mapping the Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand

Jack Williams is a PhD Student at the University of Otago, New Zealand, where he is studying the Alpine Fault. Jack was part of a team of experts that went into the field immediately following the Kaikoura earthquake to map the surface ruptures. Here he explains what they were up to and shares some photos of the damage. The Mw 7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake was an incredibly complex event involving sever ...[Read More]

4th GfGD Annual Conference – Geology and the SDGs (Registration Open)

4th GfGD Annual Conference – Geology and the SDGs (Registration Open)

Registration for the next GfGD Annual Conference is now open! 4th GfGD Annual Conference – Geology and the Sustainable Development Goals Friday 4th November 2016 (registration open from 9.45 am, for a 10.20 am start), hosted and supported by the Geological Society of London (Burlington House, Piccadilly, London). Register here: (£5 students/unwaged ...[Read More]

35th International Geological Congress (Cape Town, South Africa)

35th International Geological Congress (Cape Town, South Africa)

The past few months have been busy with other work, and unfortunately I’ve not been able to post much on here. I’m hoping to get back to regular posts over the coming weeks, starting with a note on GfGD involvement in the 35th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Cape Town later this month. The IGC takes place every four years, and is a flagship event of the International Union o ...[Read More]