Geology for Global Development


#EGU15 – Natural Hazards Education, Communications and Science-Policy-Practice Interface

#EGU15 – Natural Hazards Education, Communications and Science-Policy-Practice Interface

Below we’ve listed details of a session that will be of interest to many of you at the EGU General Assembly, in Vienna, next spring. Many postgraduates and academic staff from across the UK and beyond attend this event, sharing details of the latest research they have been doing. The convenors of this session, including GfGD Director Joel Gill and GfGD Leeds Ambassador Ekbal Hussain, are kee ...[Read More]

Images of Guatemala (4) – Fiesta at Lake Atitlan

Fiesta at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Guatemala is a country with many volcanic hazards, as shown in some of the previous images in this series, but also a country rich in culture and traditions. The image above was taken at the annual fiesta in San Pablo, a small town on the edge of Lake Atitlan. During the fiesta a religious procession goes through the streets, with firecrackers being lit in front ...[Read More]

Images of Guatemala (3) – Lahar Deposits at Fuego

Lahars at Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala. This image captures a lahar [mudflow] deposit close to Volcan de Fuego. These deposits are formed when rain mobilises ash and pyroclastic material on the volcano to form a fast moving, powerful mudflow with the ability to transport material including large boulders. As the energy dissipates, the sediment is deposited as we see above. Difficult to see in this i ...[Read More]

Images of Guatemala (2) – Pyroclastic Flow Deposits

Pyroclastic Flow Deposits close to Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala. The scale of these deposits, formed in 2012, can be seen against the scale of the person standing in the background [dark line, just above the red shrub]. Pyroclastic flows, alongside lahars, are two of the most significant and destructive volcanic hazards associated with Volcan de Fuego. You can read more about Fuego and its secondary ...[Read More]