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What’s Geology got to do with it? 3 – Christmas! Part 1

What’s Geology got to do with it? 3 – Christmas! Part 1

Dear Readers!

Christmas is almost upon us and so at Four Degrees we decided to devote our next post in the ‘What’s Geology got to do with it?’ series to Christmas! Marion and I have selected varying aspects of the festive season from trees to biblical stories and common Christmas presents, and linked them to geology (some tenuous, some not so tenuous…). We hope you enjoy!

The Journey to Bethlehem

The story of Joseph and Mary’s hallowed journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem is an intrinsic part of christmas festivities. But what route did they take and what landscapes would they have seen?


Map of the Holy Land showing the Old Kingdoms of Judea and Israel drawn in 1759. Source – Wikimedia Commons

As a distinct geographic area, the description “Holy Land” encompasses modern-day Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan and sometimes Syria. The geology of the Holy Land is characterised by the Judean Hills which run North to South through the centre of the region exposing Cretaceous age limestones and sandstones. The rocks reach down to the western banks of the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley Rift valley which marks the modern border between Palestine and Jordan. The Judean Hills mark the highest area in the region (an area Joseph and Mary may have been trying to avoid!) and the topography then lowers to the Mediterranean coast to the west and the Dead Sea to the east.

Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem began in Nazareth in modern day Israel and ended in a manger in Bethlehem, which is in modern day Palestine. The route taken between the two, and indeed the time it took them is oft disputed. Given the mountainous nature of the central Holyland which is dominated by the Judean Hills and the reality of transporting a pregnant woman on a donkey, it is possible they would have avoided the mountains and travelled southeast across the Jezreel Valley, connecting with the Jordan Valley to the East, down to Jericho and then across to Bethlehem. This route would have looked something like this.

Image of the Judean Hill taken in 1917. Source – Wikimedia Commons

The area they may have wanted to avoid, the Judean Hills, is formed from monoclinic folds and relates to the Syrian Arc belt of anticlinal folding in the region that began in the Late Cretaceous.  These are the same hills that include the famous Mount of Olives, and the location of the story of David and Goliath which occurred in the Ella Valley in the Judean Hills’. It is also home to Bethlehem which stands at an elevation of about 775 meters and is situated on the southern portion in the Judean Hills.

By contrast, the Jordan valley encompasses the lowest point in the world, the Dead Sea (sitting at 420 below sea level). The valley was formed in the Miocene (23.8 – 5.3 Myr) when the Arabian tectonic plate moved away from Africa.  The plate boundary which extends through the valley (and houses the Dead Sea!) is called the Dead Sea Transform. This boundary separates the Arabian plate from the African plate. For more on the geology of the Dead Sea region see this earlier Four Degrees post.




Christmas tree made of Lego at St Pancras Station! Source – Wikimedia Commons

As children (or adults!) many of us will have experienced unwrapping various Lego sets on Christmas Day. Its popularity has been sustained over the last 50-60 years whilst the company has continued to grow; Lego never goes out of style! But did you know that Lego has been manufacturing its hugely successful interlocking toy bricks since 1949 and as of 2013, 560 billion Lego parts have been produced! But what does any of this have to do with geology?


Lego blocks! Source – Wikimedia Commons

Well, Lego started off as wooden blocks and toys in the workshop of inventor Ole Kirk Christiansen, before moving onto manufacuring the blocks out of cellulose acetate. But since 1963 the blocks have been made from a resilient plastic called acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).  As with many plastics, the Butadiene and Styrene components of ABS are formed from a process that begins with the extraction and cracking of crude oil. Oil consists of a mixture of hundreds of different hydrocarbons containing any number of carbon atoms from 1-100. Butadiene is a petroleum hydrocarbon that is obtained from the C4 fraction of steam cracking (more on steam cracking here ) and styrene is made by the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene, a hydrocarbon obtained in the reaction of ethylene and benzene. Lego is just another manufactured product who’s journey began in the rocks!

Wrapping Paper


Christmas wrapping paper! Source – Wikimedia Commons

The use of wrapping paper was first documented in ancient China where it was invented in 2nd century BC but it was the innovations of Rollie and Joyce Hall, the founders of Hallmark Cards that helped popularise the idea of wrapping in the 20th Century. Wrapping paper is made using specially milled wood pulp, this pulp is made from a special class of trees called softwoods. The paper is then bleached and decoration and colours are printed onto the paper using dyes and pigments.

Whilst many dyes that are used in the modern day are synthetic, originally all dye materials were sourced from natural materials. Here we focus on how to make the dyes and pigments for christmassy colours!


Powdered Alizarin dye. Source – Wikimedia Commons

There are a variety of natural materials that can be used to make red dyes including lichen, henna and Madder. Madder, made from the dye plant Rubia tinctorum, has been used as a dye as far back as 1500BC it was even found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Madder was also used to make Alizarin, the compound 1,2-dihydroxy-9,10-anthracenedione. Alizarin was a prominent red dye until synthetic Alizarin was successfully duplicated in 1869 when German chemists Carl Graebe and Carl Liebermann found a way to produce alizarin from anthracene. A later discovery that anthracene could be abstracted from coal tar further advanced the importance and affordability of alizarin as a synthetic dye. This reduced cost caused the market for madder to collapse almost overnight. While alizarin has been largely replaced by more light-resistant pigmens it is still used in some printing.  (QI – it is also used in classrooms as a stain to indicate the calcium carbonate minerals, calcite and aragonite!)

Other more exotic inks and pigments used in wrapping paper such as metallic pigments are also made through mined raw materials. To produce metallic pigments, materials such as Aluminium powder (aluminium bronze) and copper-zinc alloy powder (gold bronze) are used to produce novel silver and gold inks!


Christmas Trees


Abies Nordmanniana on sale as christmas trees. Source – Wikimedia Commons

Christmas trees are an iconic part of Christmas, whether at home or in your local area its hard to go far in December without seeing one most days! In fact they are so popular now that Christmas trees are farmed specifically for this purpose. While the best selling trees in North America are Scots Pine, Douglas-fir and noble fir, in the UK, Nordmann fir is the most popular species due to its low needle drop feature.

As with all crops, Christmas trees require a specific set of nutrients to thrive and these are provided by fertile soil which is controlled by the underlying geology. Elements that are required for health growth include Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Boron, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, Iron and Zinc which are all obtained from the soil.

Where this isn’t available or in areas of intensive farming these elements are derived through the use of fertiliser which relies on mined phosphate for mass production (more on the link between fertiliser and mined phosphate reserves here). In terms of soil types, pine trees are usually better adapted to a sandy or sandy loam soil, while White Spruce trees and fir trees,  prefer fine-texture loams and clay loam soils.


Abies nordmanniana trees located in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Source – Wikimedia Commons

The popular Nordmann fir used in the UK, or ‘Abies nordmanniana’ is native to the mountains to the east and west of the Black Sea in an area which covers Turkey, Georgia, Russian Caucasus and Armenia. They grow at high altitudes of 900-2200 m on mountains and require plenty of rainfall (~1000mm).

The distribution of the species around the Black Sea and its absence in other local areas of similar, suitable climate is thought to be due to the forest refugia that formed during the ice age. Refugia is the term used to describe a location of an isolated or relict species population. This can be due to climatic changes, as with Nordmann Fir, geography (and therefore geology) or human activities such as deforestation. The forest refugia that caused the limited spread of the Nordmann Fir was caused by the glacial coverage during the Ice Age in the eastern and southern black sea which cut off many areas restricting the spread of the species. Indeed the presence of these refugia is the reason many forest tree populations survived at all!


Stay tuned for Marion’s Part 2 of the Christmas Post next week…


What’s Geology got to do with it? 2 – Coffee

We should start this post with a declaration of interest. We absolutely love coffee. Whether it’s  latte, macchiato, flat white (or cafe au lait for Marion!) we drink it everyday! So for our second installation of “What’s geology got to do with it?’ we’re going to highlight the connections between coffee and geology!


Coop loves his coffee! Source

As well as being absolutely delicious (and often powering an entire community of researchers, PhD Students, lawyers etc through work on a daily basis!) coffee is the 2nd most traded commodity in the world, sitting in a list dominated by other commodities important to geoscience!

  1. Crude Oil
  2. Coffee
  3. Cotton
  4. Wheat
  5. Corn
  6. Sugar
  7. Silver
  8. Copper
  9. Gold
  10. Natural Gas

Coffee and Soils!


Coffee berries, a variety of Coffeea Arabica. Source – Marcelo Corrêa, Wikimedia Commons.

In order to supply the international demand for coffee, coffee trees require a large supply of nutrients. These nutrients are delivered through soils which are ultimately formed from the breakdown and erosion of rocks. In addition to allowing coffee trees to grow, the soil makeup will also contribute to a coffee’s unique flavour profile. Having said that, the combination of factors affecting taste is so complex, that even from a single plantation you can find variation in quality and taste.

What does coffee need to grow?

Aside from cool-ish temperatures (~20 degrees) and high altitude (1000-2000 metres above sea level), Coffee requires a wide variety of essential elements in order to grow and deliver the delicious stuff we drink. These elements are delivered through the soil profile. The usual suspects like Phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, zinc and boron are all very important. The level of potassium influences total sugar and citric acid content while nitrogen is important for amino acid and protein buildup and can influence caffeine build up. Boron is important for cell division, cell walls and involved in several enzyme activities. It also influences flowering and fruit set and affects the yield. In addition to soil type and content, factors such as slope angle (15% is optimal), water supply (good supply with interspersed dry periods are essential) and altitude exert strong influence on the success of coffee growth.

What soils are best?

Coffee can be grown on lots of soils but the ideal types are fertile volcanic red earth or deep sandy loam. For coffee trees to grow it is important that the soil is well draining which makes heavy clay or heavy sandy soils inadequate. Some of the most longstanding and famous coffees are grown on the slopes of volcanoes or in volcanic soil, also known as ‘Andisols’.

Definition of Andisol (USDA soil taxonomy) – ‘Andisols are soils formed in volcanic ash and defined as soils containing high proportions of glass and amorphous colloidal materials, including allophane, imogolite and ferrihydrite.’

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Coffee grows on the slopes of these volcanoes in El Salvador. Source – NASA, Wikimedia Commons

But why are they so fertile? This is due to how young, or immature they are as soils. They still retain many of the elements that were present during the formation of the rock, they haven’t been plundered over hundreds of years of agriculture, they haven’t undergone extensive leaching and are relatively unweathered. This means they often include basic cations such as Mg, Ca or K (which can be easily leached out) and often retain a healthy supply of trace elements. Whilst these soils are very fertile, they only cover around 1% of the ice-free surface area of the earth. They can usually support intensive use for growing coffee and other mass crops such as maize, tea and tobacco. Despite the high fertility of volcanic soils, many do need a nutrient top-up during the growth cycle that comes from natural manure or fertilisers, which are themselves in diminishing supply.

Volcanic soils also have a good structure and texture for coffee growth as they often contain vesicles, which makes them porous and ideal for retaining water. Shallow groundwater is bad for coffee growing as it can rot the roots and it needs to be at least 3 metres deep. Roots of coffee have a high oxygen demand so good drainage is essential.

Where does coffee grow and why?

It is no surpise then that some of the most famous and historic coffee growing regions are in areas of past and current volcanic activity such as Central America, Hawaii and Indonesia. Coffee trees produce their best beans when grown at high altitudes in a tropical climate where there is rich soil. Such conditions are found around the world in locations along the Equatorial zone.
Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries around the world including the following;

  • Hawaii – coffee is grown in volcanic soil or directly in the loosened rock. The location and island climate provides good growing conditions. 


    Volcán de Agua overlooking Antigua in Guatemala an area with a big coffee production industry. Source – Zack Clark, Wikimedia Commons.

  • Indonesia – coffee production began with the Dutch colonialists and the highland plateau between the volcanoes of Batukaru and Agung is the main coffee growing area. Ash from these volcanoes has created especially fertile andisols.
  • Colombia – thought that Jesuits first brought coffee seeds to South America. One of the biggest producers in the world, regional climate change associated with global warming has caused Colombian coffee production to decline since 2006. Much of the coffee is grown in the cordilleras (mountain ranges).
  • Ethiopia – grown in high mountain ranges in cloud forests.
  • Central America – rich soils along the volcanic range through central america, equatorial temperatures and mountainous growing areas make this a powerhouse in the coffee growing world. 

Coffee and Climate!

Like many crops and food commodities, good coffee requires good climate. For our favorite bean, this typically means temperate regions  at altitudes of 1000-2000 m. But climate is changing and this is likely to have a big impact on coffee growth, and by association, on the livelihood of millions of local coffee farmers who rely on its production.

In its latest report out last month, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, the leading  body assessing climate change impacts) confirmed for the 5th time what climate scientists worldwide already know: that our climate is warming as a result of human activities. Global temperatures have already risen by almost 1C since the end of the 19th century and will continue to rise at even faster rates over the coming century.

There are two ways in which a changing climate will impact coffee growth and production.

First, increasing temperatures or changes in precipitation will directly affect the areas suitable for coffee growth, leading to a loss in coffee growing environments.

A coffee berry being chewed up by hungry Hypothenemus hampei - Source: L. Shyamal, Wikimedia Commons.

A coffee berry being chewed up by hungry Hypothenemus hampei – Source: L. Shyamal, Wikimedia Commons.

Second, and perhaps most importantly, changing climate and higher temperatures will affect a little insect called Hypothenemus hampei (H. hampei for short). H. hampei is small but lethal. This beetle-like insect is what people call a coffee berry borer. It is the most important threat to coffee plantations worldwide.

Born in central Africa, H. hampei began colonising coffee plantations worldwide with the global movement and commerce of coffee beans. H. hampei likes warm climates. Until about a decade ago, it was very happy munching away at low-altitude beans, below the preferred altitude of our beloved Arabica coffee (between 1200-2000 m in East Africa).

But with rising temperatures, the berry borer can now survive at higher altitudes. On the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, H. hampei has climbed 300 m in 10 years.

Mount Kilimanjaro - Source: Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Wikimedia Commons.

Mount Kilimanjaro – Source: Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Wikimedia Commons.

H. hampei causes over $500 million loss annually in East Africa alone. The borer is gaining both geographical extent (it is only absent from coffee plantations in China and Nepal, having infiltrated Puerto Rico in 2007 and Hawaii in 2010) and altitude. A further 1C increase will see the borer develop faster and gain new territories.

The Colombia coffee belt - Source:  Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi, Wikimedia Commons.

The Colombia coffee belt – Source: Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi, Wikimedia Commons.

In Colombia, where coffee accounts for 17% of the total value of crop production, temperatures in the coffee belt region are projected to rise by 2.2C by 2050. This could both shorten the coffee growing season and allow  the pest to make its way above 1500 m.

It has been estimated that Colombian plantations would have to be moved up by 167 m for every degree of warming.

In East Africa, studies predict that Arabica coffee, currently grown at 1400-1600 m,  will have to shift to 1600-1800 m by 2050 as a result of rising temperatures.

But it is unlikely that East African coffee plantations will be able to adapt. For one, suitable high altitude habitats are not common. Second, population growth is likely to put a huge demographic pressure on arable land (the population in Ethiopia is set to double by 2050 – see this fact sheet by the Population Reference Bureau) and it is likely that the shrinking available arable land will be used to cultivate other crops over coffee.

The impact of climate change on invasive pest species is something that ecologists are studying worldwide. Small changes in average temperatures can have huge bearings on where these pests live and what they feed on, and this seems to already be the case for the coffee berry borer.

Let’s hope Flo and I can continue enjoying our weekly Four Degrees coffee meetings for many years to come!

Flo and Marion


A momentous discovery deep below: Earth’s inner core

For the Accretionary Wedge blog festival with the theme of ‘Momentous Discoveries in Geology’, Marion Ferrat discusses how a pioneering lady discovered what lies deepest inside our planet.

We know a lot about our planet today:  its position in the solar system, its age, its composition and its internal workings and structure. Many laborious experiments, observations and hypotheses have helped scientists piece together its mysteries bit by bit.

Earth within the inner solar system - Source: NASA, Wikimedia Commons.

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars – Source: NASA, Wikimedia Commons.

One branch of Earth Science in particular has revolutionised geoscientists’ understanding of the interior of the Earth: that branch is seismology.

Seismology is the study of seismic waves. In other words, the study of the energy released by earthquakes. Once released, this energy travels in all directions, moving from the ‘source’ point (this can be a natural earthquake or a man-made detonation), through the interior of the Earth, and back up to the surface again.

Seismology is useful because the seismic waves travel differently, and at different speeds, depending on the material they travel through. When a wave reaches a boundary between two different materials or layers within the Earth, it will be deflected: it can either be transmitted to the layer below (but in a slightly different direction), it can travel along the boundary itself, or it can be reflected back to the surface. When a wave passes through the boundary and into the next layer, the amount and direction of the deflection will depend on whether the material below is more or less dense than that above.

Seismic waves travelling through a layer of the Earth - Source: Julia Schäfer, Wikimedia Commons.

Seismic waves travelling through a layer of the Earth – Source: Julia Schäfer, Wikimedia Commons.

These multitude of possible pathways mean that, by looking at how and where on Earth a seismic wave arrives back at the surface, scientists can take a good guess as to what it has travelled through. By building up this information for more and more waves, they can start to paint a good picture of what is going on beneath our feet. Studying seismic waves for geoscientists is a little bit like carrying out a CAT scan for doctors: it allows them to scan the interior of something they cannot see from the outside.

Seeing to the centre of the planet

For my ‘Momentous Discovery in Geology’, I chose to look at a huge moment in the history of seismology: the discovery of the Earth’s inner core. And along with a momentous discovery, comes a momentous discoverer: Danish seismologist Inge Lehmann.

Internal structure of the Earth - Source: Kelvinsong, Wikimedia Commons.

Internal structure of the Earth – Source: Kelvinsong, Wikimedia Commons.

The Earth is a little bit like an onion, in that it has layers. The outermost layer, which we live on, is called the crust. It can be as thin as a 10 kilometres under the oceans and as thick as 70 kilometres under large mountains such as the Himalayas.

Below the crust is the mantle, which makes up over 80% of our planet’s volume. The mantle is mainly solid but can behave in a viscous way when deformed very slowly, over geological timescales.

At the centre of the Earth lies the dense, metallic core. It is predominantly made of iron and nickel. The outer part of the core is liquid and plays an important role in influencing the Earth’s magnetic field.

The core lives nearly 3000 km beneath the surface and has a temperature of nearly 6000°C. It is too deep, too hot and too far to explore with any kind of instrument. This is where seismology steps in.

A liquid ball of molten metal?

Towards the beginning of the 20th century, seismologists realised that the core must be liquid, thanks to the precious seismic waves they were observing.

When an earthquake occurs, energy is released in the form of two distinct types of seismic waves. Surface waves travel, as their name suggests, along the surface of the planet. These are the waves that cause the damage to human life and infrastructure. Body waves, on the contrary, travel inside the Earth and get deflected by the different layers they travel through, depending on whether each layer is more or less dense than its predecessor.

P- and S-waves travelling through a medium - Source: Actualist, Wikimedia Commons.

P- and S-waves travelling through a medium – Source: Actualist, Wikimedia Commons.

Body waves can be further split into two types, distinguishable by the way in which they displace the medium they travel through: Primary waves, or P-waves, and Secondary waves, or S-waves.

These two wave types travel differently through the Earth. One of the important characteristics of S-waves is that they cannot travel through liquid. P-waves can do but slow down considerably when not travelling through solid material.

These properties are what alerted scientists that there was something molten down in the centre of the Earth:

When seismic waves are released from an earthquake, they travel in all directions and should therefore be able to reach back to the surface all around the planet. However, seismologists noticed that seismic waves generated by an earthquake somewhere on the surface of the planet were not being observed at every seismometer on the surface. This no-wave zone is what is called the P- or S-wave shadow zone, where no arrivals can be recorded for a given earthquake.

Paths of P- and S-waves through the Earth's core: the liquid outer core cases a shadow zone - Source:  USGS, WIkimedia Commons.

Paths of P-waves through the Earth’s core: the liquid outer core causes a shadow zone – Source: USGS, Wikimedia Commons.

The presence of this shadow zone meant that our P- and S-waves must be affected by something liquid, deep inside the Earth. And so arose the hypothesis of a liquid core.

Something more to the story

In 1929, a large earthquake occurred near New Zealand. Seismologists were quick to study the seismic wave arrivals at seismic stations around the world but Inge Lehmann studied them a little more closely than her peers.

She was puzzled by what she saw: seismometers located within the P-wave shadow zone of the earthquake, where no arrivals should be recorded, were showing signs of the earthquake’s waves. If the core was one large ball of liquid material, this should not be possible.

Lehmann suggested that these waves had travelled some distance inside the liquid core before bouncing off some other, previously unknown, boundary. This bouncing deflected the waves in another direction and meant that they found themselves arriving within the shadow zone.

This hypothesis was the basis of careful studying by Inge Lehmann of more seismic arrivals around the world and she eventually published her results in her revolutionary 1936 paper P’ (or P-prime). Today, the boundary between the outer and inner core is commonly known as the ‘Lehmann discontinuity’.

Inge Lehmann’s theory was later confirmed with the development of more sensitive instruments.

Lehmann was a pioneer in the world of seismology and among women scientists, establishing a new theory about the Earth in a very much male-dominated world.

In 1971, the American Geophysical Union awarded her the William Bowie medal, its highest honour. Inge Lehmann went on to live to the age of 105 and published her last paper in 1987, at the age of 99.

A momentous discoverer and scientist indeed.