
women in geoscience

‘What I wish someone told me early in my career’ series: Meet Hazel Gibson, our Head of Communications

‘What I wish someone told me early in my career’ series: Meet Hazel Gibson, our Head of Communications

‘What I wish someone told me early in my career’ is a new Geolog series that aims to provide valuable insights and guidance to early-career professionals within the European Geosciences Union (EGU) community. Each month, I will interview a staff member of EGU to share their personal career journey, experiences, challenges faced, and the tips they wish they had received earlier in their ...[Read More]

EGU’s President Helen Glaves and Vice-President Irina Artemieva discuss leadership in science!

EGU’s President Helen Glaves and Vice-President Irina Artemieva discuss leadership in science!

For the first time in our history both EGU’s President and Vice-President are women – in fact most of our volunteer senior leadership team is compromised of outstanding women in science, our current President Helen Glaves, our Vice-President Irina Artemieva who will become President at the next General Assembly, and our General Secretary Jane Hart. This year for International WomenR ...[Read More]

Women claim their space in science and encourage you to do the same!

Women claim their space in science and encourage you to do the same!

The world we live in today has innumerably more career options than our parents and their parents did. But women and young girls continue to be a minority when it comes to careers in science. Experts call this the “STEM Gap”, where STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. According to a UNESCO report, women still only make up 28% of the STEM workforce. Two of the leading r ...[Read More]

More and more molehills – The effect of accumulated unconscious gender bias

More and more molehills – The effect of accumulated unconscious gender bias

“Who are these men?!” he says, seeming genuinely baffled. I feel my shoulders rise towards my ears with tension as I wait for him to continue. The man is summarizing what his group, comprised solely of men, have arrived at during their group-discussion at the gender equality seminar we are taking. We have been presented with, I might say, “the usual” statistics for academic women. A pr ...[Read More]