
video games

#shareEGU20: Geoscience Games Night – LIVE!

#shareEGU20: Geoscience Games Night – LIVE!

The last two years, myself and the Games4Geo crew (Sam, Rolf, Jaz and Liz) have had an absolute blast running the Geoscience Games Night. We have been blown away by your enthusiasm to share and play geoscience games. Who would have thought we’d have managed to bring together over 300 geoscientists to play games but take a look back at last year’s Games Night – it was rammed and people were p ...[Read More]

Geosciences Column: Taking a Breath of the Wild – are geoscientists more effective than non-geoscientists in determining whether video game world landscapes are realistic?

Geosciences Column: Taking a Breath of the Wild – are geoscientists more effective than non-geoscientists in determining whether video game world landscapes are realistic?

For years, geoscientists have been both fascinated and perplexed by the beautiful (yet often inaccurate) landscapes present in several video games. But are people with a geoscientific education better at telling ‘fake’ natural features from real ones? Rolf Hut, an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, and his colleagues sought to answer this question in a new st ...[Read More]