
Science for policy

GeoPolicy: How to achieve policy impact

GeoPolicy: How to achieve policy impact

Last year, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published their Science for Policy Handbook that provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers. The Handbook is divided into 19 Chapters covering different areas of science for policy as well as some of the challenges that scientists face when engaging with policy and potential solutions. This month’s GeoPo ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: Europe’s Waste Policy – using Incinerator Bottom Ash and reducing landfill

GeoPolicy: Europe’s Waste Policy – using Incinerator Bottom Ash and reducing landfill

Although you may not realise it, waste and the circular economy is an important topic for many geoscientists. Our consumption drives the need for resources and sustainable resource extraction, while disposing and reducing this waste requires a wide range of expertise and impacts the environments in which many scientists undertake their research. On a more personal level, understanding what happens ...[Read More]