
nature photography

Imaggeo On Monday: 12 years of the EGU Photo Competition

Imaggeo On Monday: 12 years of the EGU Photo Competition

In 2010 EGU held our first annual Photo Competition at the General Assembly in Vienna. Since then hundreds of photos have been shared on imaggeo by geoscientists and researchers just like you, with a lucky few being selected each year to be highlighted during the meeting and voted on by our members.   These images can be of anything to do with geology or geoscience – we get many beautif ...[Read More]

Get the picture? How choosing the right photograph can add value to your science communication

Get the picture? How choosing the right photograph can add value to your science communication

If you are a scientist you probably know the value of a good, well designed image. The right graph or diagram can help the reader to really grasp the meaning of a complicated theory or process, help to illuminate a critical piece of data, or highlight a key finding. But whilst much advice exists about how to create effective, accessible images, what about photographs?   In our early training, ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – beautiful thin-sections.

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – beautiful thin-sections.

In 2010 EGU held our first annual Photo Competition at the General Assembly in Vienna. Since then hundreds of photos have been shared on imaggeo by geoscientists and researchers just like you, with a lucky few being selected each year to be highlighted during the meeting and voted on by our members.   These images can be of anything to do with geology or geoscience – we get many beautif ...[Read More]