

Introducing EGU’s new Communications Officer!

Introducing EGU’s new Communications Officer!

Meet the newest member of EGU’s communications team, Olivia Trani! Olivia joined the EGU office in February and since then has been managing GeoLog and the EGU blog network, running our social media channels, and developing EGU networking activities for early career scientists. Hello from the EGU Executive Office! I have been working as the new EGU Communications Officer for the past few months (y ...[Read More]

Stop the press!: How to pitch your research to a journalist or editor

Stop the press!: How to pitch your research to a journalist or editor

Why does some research make it into the main stream media, while so many stories languish in the expanse between the lab bench and research papers? The answer isn’t straightforward. A variety of factors come into play: is the research newsworthy; is it timely; does it represent a ground-breaking discovery; or is it of human and societal interest? Newsworthiness isn’t the be all and end all. Someti ...[Read More]