The recent European Parliament election illustrated how divided Europe has become politically and intergenerationally. While the established parties lost their ground, both far-right populistic, anti-EU and liberal, green pro-EU parties grew in popularity among voters1, with the younger generation favoring the latter and the generations above the former2. What role is there for science in this div ...[Read More]
We’re hiring! New job opportunities at the EGU Executive Office
The EGU is hiring for two job vacancies at its Executive Office in Munich, Germany. The deadline for applications is fast approaching (14 July 2019) so send your submission soon! Chief Strategy & Finance Officer The EGU has recently launched a new strategy to set a direction for the Union and to guide the work of its Council, committees and staff until 2025. This is an exciting time in the dev ...[Read More]
Public engagement events at the EGU General Assembly
Thousands of scientists gather in Vienna every year to network and to present and discuss their research at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). Aside from a packed and diverse programme for scientists at the meeting, the EGU also organises events aimed at the local Viennese public, as well as a few public engagement events and sessions for scientists at the ACV. Night at the museum: EGU Public Lectur ...[Read More]
A flood of attention: extreme weather and digital media
In June 2016, Paris was transformed. The River Seine burst its banks, submerging some of the nearby roads; floodwater lapped at the tops of street lamps and traffic lights. The event marked the the worst flooding in Paris for more than 30 years. When a flood event hits a major city, numerous researchers are keen to collect data for their work. However, Rosa Vicari, a PhD student at the the École d ...[Read More]