Hello Megan! Welcome to GeoTalk. Could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your background? Hi Simon, thank you for inviting me to GeoTalk! I am originally from Australia and studied geology and geophysics at the University of Sydney. After I finished my undergraduate degree, I worked as an earth scientist for almost seven years. I really enjoyed my time in industry, but I felt th ...[Read More]
The theory of continental drift and how it changed the geosciences forever
German scientist Alfred Wegener spent most of his life defending a shocking theory: that all the world’s continents were once part of the same land mass before they drifted away. For many years after he passed, his theory continued to be shunned, ridiculed, and labelled as pseudoscience. And then, several decades later, geologists began to find more and more proof to support his continental drift ...[Read More]
Imaggeo On Monday: Tides at Young Sound

The work of the autumn tides at Young Sound, Northeast Greenland, created a fine sand artwork just before the freezing in of the fjord with the approaching winter. Due to the changing sediment of the nearby Zackenberg river, the local coastal erosion is an object of great recent investigations. Description by Maria Scheel, after the description on imaggeo.egu.eu. Imaggeo is the EGU’s ...[Read More]
Artist in Residence – Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking
Concepts accepted in geology always have room for revision. In this case, time itself is revised! This one melted my brain a little. Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking Plate tectonics, amongst the most evocative subjects in geology. The entire skin of the earth shifting and reorganising continuously, the most profound of motion. So deep and ancient, that humans struggle to understand it. E ...[Read More]