
General Assembly

GeoTalk: meet General Assembly decision makers, Maria-Helena Ramos and Athanasios Nenes

GeoTalk: meet General Assembly decision makers, Maria-Helena Ramos and Athanasios Nenes

Hello! Thank you for joining this special edition of GeoTalk. Before we dig deeper, could you both introduce yourselves? Hello! I am Helena, a research scientist in hydrology at INRAE, a national research institute in France. I have been involved with EGU for several years now, first as presenter (my first participation to an EGU General Assembly was in 2001 in Nice!), then as convener, sub-progra ...[Read More]

EGU23 has something for everyone: Sessions on networking, policy, mentoring, jobs & careers

EGU23 has something for everyone: Sessions on networking, policy, mentoring, jobs & careers

As the 2023 General Assembly materializes on the horizon, it’s a good idea to take stock of what sessions you want to attend in advance of attending the assembly proper. Whilst the scientific sessions provide some of the highlights, EGU23 has a rich programme to tempt you to go beyond – including inline and in-person sessions dedicated to early career scientists (ECS) networking, job and careers, ...[Read More]

How to EGU22: COVID-19 regulations for attending the meeting on-site

How to EGU22: COVID-19 regulations for attending the meeting on-site

Now that the registration for on-site participation of EGU22 has closed, those of you who are joining us in Vienna will be getting ready to travel! As a part of your registration to attend in-person, you will have provided your agreement to follow the requirements to enter EGU22 at the Austria Center Vienna that were described on the EGU22 website, as we were instructed by the Austrian Authorities ...[Read More]