The EGU General Assembly 2016 programme is available here. Take a look and – if you haven’t already – register for the conference by 17 March to make the early registration rates! The scientific programme of this year’s General Assembly has been updated since 2015 and now includes Union-wide Sessions, such as Special Scientific Events (Medal Lectures, Great Debates and many more) short courses and ...[Read More]
Science communication opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: be a student reporter
For the first time at the 2016 General Assembly, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 17–22 April, we will be implementing a Student Reporter Programme. A team of volunteer early career researchers will report, via the Union’s social media outlets and blogs, on the findings presented at scientific sessions and press conferences during the General Assembly. What is involved in being a stu ...[Read More]
Townhall and Splinter Meetings at EGU 2016
In addition to the wealth of scientific sessions at the General Assembly (17–22 April 2016), there is also the option to attend other meetings during EGU 2016. These include Townhall and Splinter Meetings, which are organised by conference participants. Splinter Meetings Splinter Meetings can also be organised by participants during the course of the conference and they can be public or by invita ...[Read More]
EGU Photo Contest 2016

If you are pre-registered for the 2016 General Assembly (Vienna, 17 – 22 April), you can take part in our annual photo competition! Winners receive a free registration to next year’s General Assembly! The seventh annual EGU photo competition opens on 1 February. Up until 1 March, every participant pre-registered for the General Assembly can submit up three original photos and one moving image on a ...[Read More]