
Conference tips

How to EGU22: top 10 tips for participants to get the most out of EGU22!

How to EGU22: top 10 tips for participants to get the most out of EGU22!

EGU’s General Assembly continues to adapt and evolve to make our annual conference accessible to all. This year, EGU22 will for the very first time be a hybrid conference, which means new ways of learning and networking for us all! Many Networking and Session conveners will be learning right along with you, and our conference organiser Copernicus has been busy preparing as much as possible t ...[Read More]

Open Access publishing and Open Science at conferences: what do you need to know?

Open Access publishing and Open Science at conferences: what do you need to know?

Earlier this week EGU’s Policy Officer, Chloe Hill was lucky enough to sit down with one of the many advocates for Open Access publishing on EGU’s Publications Committee: Ulrich Pöschl. Whilst all the members of our Publications Committee are fully committed to making EGU’s journals accessible and open, Ulrich has a unique perspective on this, as he is also the initiator and co-c ...[Read More]

First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.

First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.

With the most recent call for sessions for the next European Geosciences Union General Assembly, a diverse provisional programme has been put together. If you have been assigned your first EGU session as a convener – congratulations! But what happens now? Early Career Scientists representatives Andrea Madella (GM), Anna Gülcher (GD), and Tommaso Alberti (NPG) discuss what it’s like to conven ...[Read More]

Accessibility at EGU: Parenting at the General Assembly? Yes to the creche!

Accessibility at EGU: Parenting at the General Assembly? Yes to the creche!

As part of EGU’s steps to further accessibility and inclusivity at the General Assembly, we have recently published a dedicated webpage with guidance for parents wanting to bring their children with them to Vienna. Whether you are looking for breastfeeding facilities, wondering about childcare whilst you are presenting or want to bring your 13 year old with you to the conference, this page h ...[Read More]