
climate change

Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets

Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets

Last month, on 19 April 2024, Subimal Ghosh from IIT Bombay brought immense pride to India by receiving the Alexander von Humboldt Medal 2024 at the EGU 2024 General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. This prestigious award in Geoscience recognizes Ghosh’s exceptional work in hydrometeorology, climate services, climate education, and the societal impacts of the South Asian Summer Monsoon System. Ghosh i ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Alessandro Silvano, winner of the 2024 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding ECS Award!

Alessandro Silvano

Hello Alessandro. Thank you for joining me for this edition GeoTalk! Could you tell our readers about your background before we dive in?  I am an oceanographer based at the University of Southampton (UK). I am interested in polar oceanography and ice-ocean interactions. The focus of my work is to understand the processes that control ocean heat transport toward rapidly-melting Antarctic glaciers. ...[Read More]

The EGU Great Debate: About the Anthropocene, scientists and comfort zones?

The EGU Great Debate: About the Anthropocene, scientists and comfort zones?

  EGU has hosted a Great Debate with world-renowned climate scientists and activists about the growing human impact on our natural and social environment for many years. There are many aspects to the debate, from voting bad politicians out, to communication duties of scientists, the interconnection of a need for social equity and decarbonization, and more. In this blog post, I want to focus o ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Gino de Gelder, researcher of the link between tectonics, sea-level rise & coral reefs!

GeoTalk: meet Gino de Gelder, researcher of the link between tectonics, sea-level rise & coral reefs!

Hello Gino! Welcome to GeoTalk. Could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your background? Sure thing! My background is mostly in tectonics, geomorphology and the evolution of (active) fault systems, which I developed during my studies at Utrecht University and my PhD at the IPGP (Paris). Initially I focused on the way that coastlines record either uplift or subsidence in response ...[Read More]