

Chasing solar storms and coffee breaks

Chasing solar storms and coffee breaks

Erika Palmerio, a leading early career scientist working on conditions in space driven by solar activity, shares her journey of networking and inspiration.

The EGU Science-Media Toolkit: your guide to overcoming science communication limbo!

The EGU Science-Media Toolkit: your guide to overcoming science communication limbo!

Your research deserves recognition beyond your peer-reviewed paper. While academia is often considered the hallmark for knowledge generation, the dissemination of your work should take further steps so that your scientific research can reach the people it is meant to help. Because your audience may not always be experts in your field and may require simplified explanations of your science, EGU are ...[Read More]

The climate crisis: about debates, privilege and the need for action

The climate crisis: about debates, privilege and the need for action

In this blog post I am expanding on the blog post about the third EGU Climate Great Debate and its survey results on what you thought we can do as scientists. After conducting an interview with Maien Sachisthal, an active member of Scientist Rebellion, I reflected on the Great Debate and scientists within society, sharing insights on the Scientist Rebellion and Scientists 4 Future protest events t ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policymaking today

GeoPolicy: 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policymaking today

This months GeoPolicy blog post outlines 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policy today! This list was originally created with the help of the EGU’s Science for Policy Working Group and other Science-Policy experts who attending EGU24. While the below list isn’t extensive, it does provide a good overview of the range of possibilities that are at your fingertips to build ...[Read More]