

Imaggeo on Mondays: Great faults and faultless geotourism

Road cuttings provide a great window into the wonders of what’s beneath the Earth’s surface. In this week’s Imaggeo on Mondays Bahram Sadry takes us through a beautiful fault between Tabriz and Tehran, Iran… These incredible rock outcroppings along Zanjan-Tabriz highway (the northwest of Iran), are unlike any other outcrop in the world. They are a group of faults and fractures, brecciation and gra ...[Read More]

Momentous discoveries in oceanography

Earlier this month, one of our network bloggers, Matt Herod, put out a call for posts on momentous discoveries in geology as part of a well-known geoscience blog carnival, The Accretionary Wedge. With so many geoscience disciplines to choose from, and an immense wealth of exciting discoveries across the Earth sciences, choosing just one momentous discovery was no easy task. Much of my background i ...[Read More]

Applications for the 2014 GIFT workshop are open!

Every year, the EGU Committee on Education organises a workshop that spreads first-hand scientific information to teachers. The theme of this year’s Geosciences Information For Teachers (GIFT) workshop is Our Changing Planet and it will be taking place on April 27–30 2014 at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. The workshop will explore some of the recent complex changes of our environment ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Surface spirals

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is no ordinary image; it’s a snapshot of surface ocean speeds and the extent of ice cover in the North Atlantic. It was produced using a high resolution model of ocean eddies – high resolution here means that details are simplified into grids 3 km across, or one 20th of a degree. Three kilometres may sound like a pretty large area, but in oceanographic modelling, thi ...[Read More]