
37 search results for "geocinema online"

Geocinema Films available online (2/3)

Did you miss a particular film during the GeoCinema at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011? Here’s the second post containing where to see films that are available online. A film’s inclusion in the Geocinema does not mean that EGU endorses any opinions expressed in the film. Royal NIOZ, Fathoming the Sea, 10 mins [Online] Once again a prominent scientific institute cal ...[Read More]

Geocinema Films available to view online (1/3)

Did you miss a particular film during the GeoCinema at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011? Quite a few of the films are available online. In this series of posts the descriptions and online locations of these films will be discussed. A film’s inclusion in the Geocinema does not mean that EGU endorses any opinions expressed in the film. River Trip with Family, 5 mins [Online ...[Read More]

EGU24: The return of GeoCinema!

EGU24: The return of GeoCinema!

After a six year hiatus, GeoCinema is back for EGU24! As many of you know, doing science is very rarely just about the research, but also involves sharing that research in several forms and formats. For many talented researchers this means using films. Either working with a film-maker or creating something themselves, several of our EGU24 attendees submitted wonderful films this year, from science ...[Read More]