Despite its alluring turquoise waters and rugged mountain backdrop the story behind this beautiful lake is rather more troubling. In today’s Imaggeo on Mondays, the first post since our short break from the traditional format during the General Assembly, Alexander Osadchiev writes about the shaky origins of Sarez Lake. Lake Sarez is situated in Tajikistan, deep in the Pamir Mountains. In 1911 a lo ...[Read More]
Communicate Your Science Competition Winner Announced!
Congratulations to Zakaria Ghazoui, the winner of the first ever Communicate Your Science Video Competition 2015. Zakaria is a PhD student at the Institute des Sciences de le Terre (ISTerre) in France, and has been investigating Himalayan lakes using sediment cores. Here is his video, Inside Himalayan Lakes: Display "Inside Himalayan Lakes by Ghazoui Zakaria" from YouTube Click here to d ...[Read More]
Announcing the winners of the EGU Photo Contest 2015!

The selection committee received over 200 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Contest, covering fields across the geosciences. Participants have been voting for their favourites throughout the week and there are three clear winners. Congratulations to – 2015’s fantastic photographers! On the occasion of the International Year of Soils, the judges also awarded an honourable mention to the bes ...[Read More]
At the Assembly: Friday highlights
The conference is coming to a close and there’s still an abundance of great sessions to attend! Here’s our guide to getting the most out of the conference on its final day. Boost this information with features from EGU Today, the daily newsletter of the General Assembly – pick up a paper copy at the ACV entrance or download it here. Be sure to attend today’s Jean Dominique Cassini Medal Lecture by ...[Read More]