

All at sea: UK women’s experiences of female leadership roles on ocean-going research vessels

All at sea: UK women’s experiences of female leadership roles on ocean-going research vessels

As I read the abstract of ‘Women in UK Ocean Science: Experiences of female leadership roles at sea’ by Katharine Hendry et al., it reminds me my own experience at sea! Indeed, more than one year ago, I had the chance to join the IODP Exp 379 in the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica) which was co-led by a woman, Julia Wellner from the University of Houston. It was her first IODP (International ...[Read More]

Celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Marie Tharp: Seafloor mapping and ocean plate tectonics

Celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Marie Tharp: Seafloor mapping and ocean plate tectonics

The seafloor mapping pioneered by Marie Tharp, an American geologist and cartographer, though originally underappreciated, ended up playing a key role in the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics. This week the EGU is highlighting Tharp’s groundbreaking contributions by hosting both a press conference and a session in her honour at the Union’s virtual annual meeting, Sharing Geoscience Onlin ...[Read More]

GEOtrivial Pursuit: a new way to teach, learn and share the Earth Sciences

GEOtrivial Pursuit: a new way to teach, learn and share the Earth Sciences

On Wednesday 6 May (6-8pm CEST), the now famous Geoscience Games Night is going to take place on YouTube as a live stream! So, this is the perfect moment to introduce a new scientific game which for many of you, is going to remind you of a game created in the late 70s in Quebec. Yes, I am talking about Trivial Pursuit! But instead of History, Entertainment and Sports questions, creators Valeria Mi ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: Rhyme your research!!

#shareEGU20: Rhyme your research!!

On Monday 4th May, we hosted an online webinar for #shareEGU20 in which we invited participants to collaborate in writing geoscience poetry together. ‘Rhyme Your Research’ is a long-running short course at the EGU General Assembly, but this year marked our first foray into the digital environment.     Over the course of an hour, 136 participants got together to draw pictures of each othe ...[Read More]