

#shareEGU20: planning your week of digital interaction!

#shareEGU20: planning your week of digital interaction!

Earlier this week, we announced that the new and revised schedule for #shareEGU20 has been released. If you missed that announcement you can take a look at the website for that here, it’s ok, we will wait…   Now that you have had a quick look, maybe found your abstract, or session, you probably have a few questions. Over the next few weeks we will be trying to answer as many of these question ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Mondays: Psychedelic Foraminifera

Imaggeo On Mondays: Psychedelic Foraminifera

This is a transmitted light microscope image of a thin section – a 50-micron thick sliver of rock. This sample was collected from Jebel Hafit, a mountain which straddles the United Arab Emirates and Oman border. Jebel Hafit is approximately 900 m high and is made up of Eocene to Miocene age carbonate rocks which were mainly deposited in a shallow water, tropical setting. More specifically, this im ...[Read More]

Travels in Geology: A World Turned Upside Down

Travels in Geology: A World Turned Upside Down

Last weekend, with a strict, stay-at-home coronavirus order looming on the horizon, I decided to practice social distancing by escaping on one last hike. Since I’m currently in Colorado, I chose to climb North Table Mountain, the remnant of an ancient basalt lava flow located on the outskirts of Denver.   Locally this mesa, along with its twin located a short distance to the south, are popula ...[Read More]

A message from EGU President Alberto Montanari on what geoscientists can do to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19

A message from EGU President Alberto Montanari on what geoscientists can do to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19

What can the Earth, planetary and space sciences do to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19? While I am considering this challenging question, I am looking out of the window of my home in Italy, in Reggio Emilia. I am close to the epidemic center of the Italian outbreak of COVID-19. I have been at home for the last two weeks without going out, something which I have never experienced before. Sudde ...[Read More]