
Space and Planetary Sciences

GeoCinema Online: Space & Planetary Science

If you were at our General Assembly, you probably spotted GeoCinema, or took a moment to catch your breath between sessions and relax with a geological film. But with all the science to be heard and discussions to join, watching the full programme would have been impossible. How do we get around this? By bringing GeoCinema straight to your living room! Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing a de ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Spying on the Arctic

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is brought to you by the photographer himself, Fabien Darrouzet who captured the beautiful glacial landscape during a summer expedition to the Arctic.  This picture was taken in Svalbard (78° lat.) in June 2012. I was there for one week in order to observe the transit of the planet Venus in front of the Sun. I came here because at this time of the year, the Sun is sh ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Alexis Rouillard

GeoTalk is a regular feature highlighting early career researchers and their work. Following the EGU General Assembly, we spoke to Alexis Rouillard, an Arne Richter Outstanding Young Scientist awardee and a brilliant space scientist. First, could you introduce yourself and let us know a bit about your current work at the French National Centre for Scientific Research? Hi, I am Alexis Rouillard and ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Dr Aikaterini Radioti

GeoTalk, featuring short interviews with geoscientists about their research, continues this month with a Q&A with Dr Aikaterini Radioti (University of Liège) who tells us about her work on auroras in Jupiter and Saturn. If you’d like to suggest a scientist for an interview, please contact Bárbara Ferreira. First, could you introduce yourself and let us know a bit about your current resea ...[Read More]