Want to communicate your research to a wider audience and try your hand at video production? Now’s your chance! The competition is open to early career scientists (ECS) who intend to register for the EGU General Assembly. The aim is to produce a video up-to-three-minutes long to share your research with the general public. The winning entry will receive a free registration to the General Assembly ...[Read More]
GeoEd: How do we make climate predictions – An idea for an outreach activity
This month’s GeoEd post is brought to you by Dr. Mirjam S. Glessmer. Mirjam is a physical oceanographer, who during her PhD at GEOMAR Kiel, Germany, became more and more interested in understanding how people learn and hence did a Masters of Higher Education in parallel to her PhD. During her PostDoc at the University of Bergen, Norway, she became involved in teaching both university courses, teac ...[Read More]
Mars Rocks – introducing a citizen science project
GeoLog followers will remember our previous report on Citizen Geoscience: the exciting possibilities it presents for the acquisition of data, whilst cautioning against the exploitation of volunteered labour. This blog presents a Citizen Science platform that goes beyond data collection to analysis, specifically for geological changes in remote sensing imagery of Mars. Jessica Wardlaw, a Postdoctor ...[Read More]
Showcase your film at Geocinema at the 2016 General Assembly!
Every year, we showcase a great selection of geoscience films at the EGU General Assembly and after six successful years we will again be running Geocinema in 2016. If you’ve shadowed a scientist in the lab, filmed fantastic spectacles in the field, or have produced an educational feature on the Earth, planetary or space sciences, we want to hear from you. Geocinema features short clips and longer ...[Read More]