Since 2001, the EGU and Open Access publishing house Copernicus Publications has published a growing number of successful geoscientific journals. These include 14 peer-reviewed Open Access journals, of which 11 have a Thomson Reuters Impact Factor, placing them in the top echelon of their respective discipline. EGU also publishes a host of other materials available in paper and online. As a signat ...[Read More]
Review: 2012 General Assembly Great Debate on open science and the future of publishing
Today’s guest post comes from freelance writer Celso Gomes, who also worked at the 2012 General Assembly Press Centre. Upon admitting that he refused to knowingly associate with Elsevier for years, Cambridge’s award-winning mathematician Tim Gowers stirred a discussion of unprecedented magnitude surrounding Open Access publishing. Such public outcry has so far culminated with over 10.0 ...[Read More]
Become a freelance writer for the EGU newsletter!
Interested in science writing? Are you looking to get published and get paid for it? Keep reading. The newsletter of the European Geosciences Union, currently known as The Eggs, is a magazine and information service distributed for free to all EGU members — around 12,000 scientists. It will be rebranded and relaunched in late February or early March with a new layout, content structure, and name: ...[Read More]
Become a book reviewer for the EGU newsletter!
Interested in free books and getting published? The EGU has an opportunity for you. The Union’s newsletter, currently known as The Eggs, is a magazine and information service distributed for free to all Union members — around 12,000 scientists. It will be rebranded and relaunched in late February or early March with a new layout, content structure, and name: GeoQ. While the new version will see so ...[Read More]