

Perspectives from EGU GA 2011 (6)

This year on the EGU General Assembly blog there will be guest posts from participants about their research and their impressions of sessions. These are personal points of view not EGU corporate views. If you would like to contribute a research or session viewpoint, please email us. This perspective from the European Geosciences Union General Asembly 2011 is from Thomas Smith about how to maximise ...[Read More]

EGU GA 2011 in the news

Items from the European Geosciences Union General Assembly are featured prominently on the BBC’s Science and Environment pages. The current top story is about “Thuderstorms numbers calculated” (link). The top story for some time yesterday (Wednesday) was Climate ‘fix’ may warm, not cool, again directly related to research presented at the EGU General Assembly. If you ...[Read More]

Celebration: 10 years of interactive open access publishing at EGU GA 2011

It’s been ten years since the launch of the first interactive open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, followed by a growing number of EGU open access journals covering most fields of geoscience. A combination of traditional peer review and interactive and public discussion on the internet assures efficient scientific exchange and top quality. High submission rates and impact factors ...[Read More]

EGGS: The Newsletter of the EGU

A new issue (issue 34) of EGGS was published recently, its available on the EGGS website. EGGS is also available as an app for some smart phones: Android and iPhone platforms.