Hi Rhian, thanks for talking with us today about the EGU’s Award nominations, please start by introducing yourself! I’m a physical geography and geology lecturer at Swansea University, with a particular focus on teaching through the medium of Welsh. I have been awarded the Katia and Maurice Krafft Award for my work on the British Sign Language Glossary Project, with colleagues from the ...[Read More]
Epic Journeys: New insights into wildlife and human migrations
Many wild animals make extraordinary long-distance journeys, whether by land, by air or even by sea. Ancestral, and even some modern, humans have likewise undertaken equally impressive odysseys across and between continents. In order to highlight these “epic journeys,” four different research projects were presented during an EGU press conference held on Wednesday. During the virtual presentations ...[Read More]
Celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Marie Tharp: Seafloor mapping and ocean plate tectonics
The seafloor mapping pioneered by Marie Tharp, an American geologist and cartographer, though originally underappreciated, ended up playing a key role in the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics. This week the EGU is highlighting Tharp’s groundbreaking contributions by hosting both a press conference and a session in her honour at the Union’s virtual annual meeting, Sharing Geoscience Onlin ...[Read More]
EGU statement of support for the European Research Council
The European Research Council (ERC) is the sole European science funding agency that is designed and governed by scientists. As such, it has become one of the world’s leading and most respected funders of frontier research, with more than 70% of completed projects leading to discoveries or major advances. The ERC’s investigator-driven approach and allocation of grants based solely on scientific ex ...[Read More]