

GeoTalk: Meet Tim van Emmerik, hydrologist and Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems Division Early Career Scientist representative.

GeoTalk: Meet Tim van Emmerik, hydrologist and Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems Division Early Career Scientist representative.

Hi Tim, thanks for talking with us today, can you start by telling us a little about yourself and your research background? As experimental hydrologist I aim to provide reliable data to solve water-related societal challenges. For over a decade I have been working on developing new, better or cheaper measurement methods to quantify components of the water cycle. My first projects focused on estima ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Meet the Nonlinear Processes Division, with Division President Stéphane Vannitsem and ECS Rep Tommaso Alberti

GeoTalk: Meet the Nonlinear Processes Division, with Division President Stéphane Vannitsem and ECS Rep Tommaso Alberti

Hello Stéphane and Tommaso, thank you for speaking with us today – could you briefly introduce yourselves? Stéphane Vannitsem Okay, so my name is Stéphane Vannitsem, and I am a researcher at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, in Brussels, and I’ve recently become head of the Meteorological and Climatological Information Service. I’m also a lecturer at the Free Univers ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: #BlackInTheMud panellists reflect on Black in Geoscience Week 2020

GeoTalk: #BlackInTheMud panellists reflect on Black in Geoscience Week 2020

After telling a personal and traumatizing field experience to my fellow colleagues of color, I found that we all had shared similar events! Shocked and outraged, I wanted to find a place to expose and highlight these events thus the #BlackInTheMud panel was created. This event was inspired by this picture. And it’s so funny because this photo has been used, until it’s almost like a stock photo on ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Nadine Gabriel, creator of #AreYouSiO2? and Assistant Curator of Fossil Mammals.

GeoTalk: Nadine Gabriel, creator of #AreYouSiO2? and Assistant Curator of Fossil Mammals.

Hi Nadine, thanks for speaking with us today, can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got to where you are now? Thank you for inviting me! I’m a geologist and the Assistant Curator of Fossil Mammals at the Natural History Museum, London. I studied MSci Geology at University College London and I absolutely enjoyed the subject. It was really interesting to learn about the geol ...[Read More]