

Photo exhibit at EGU 2013: The Andean Geotrail

The enormous space and time scales that Geology covers makes teaching it a challenge, one best overcome by field experience, but it’s a rare thing for a school to be able to explore Geological wonders on the other side of the world. So what if someone brought it to you? Olivier Galland (who we had the chance to interview in December), together with Caroline Sassier, set up an educational project ( ...[Read More]

Events for Young Scientists at EGU 2013

Short Courses Demystifying Open Access – an open discussion for early career researchers tackling how OA can benefit young scientists without compromising their careers. From what it costs to publish an open access paper to how we can measure its impact, all interested scientists are invited to drop in and join us over drinks in a marketplace of discussion. How to apply for a job. It’s a topic rar ...[Read More]

Short courses at the 2013 General Assembly

There are 14 short courses at the EGU General Assembly 2013.  Short courses are great opportunities to learn about a subject or further your knowledge in a particular area. The short courses at this year’s General Assembly are listed below. SC1 Short Course: Tipping Points in the Geosciences (also listed as NP1.5) SC2 Short Course: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis (also listed as NP1.6) SC3 Sh ...[Read More]

Presenting at the 2013 General Assembly

Oral Presentations The guidelines for oral presentations are online. The link also specifies the equipment available in each room (laptop, microphone, laser pointer, ability to hook up your own laptop, etc.). Oral presentations this year are in four 90-minute time blocks, with each talk being about 12 minutes long with 3 minutes for questions. Please be in the presentation room approximately 30 mi ...[Read More]