
General Assembly

#shareEGU20: meet the EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives (pt2)!

#shareEGU20: meet the EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives (pt2)!

Now that you have met the current and incoming Early Career Scientist Union representatives Raffaele Albano and Anouk Beniest, it’s now time to meet the rest of the current EGU Division representatives!   Atmospheric Sciences (AS): Fernando Iglesias-Suarez Contact: Postdoctoral scientist at CSIC (Department of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate, Institute of Physical Chemis ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: meet the EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives (pt1)!

#shareEGU20: meet the EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives (pt1)!

Right now, many researchers and academics are worried that the current situation will negatively affect our careers. We are all searching for ways to minimize the impact of working from home, not being able to collect data or exchange thoughts with colleagues on a daily basis.  But worries around the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on employment security are even worse for Early Career Scientists ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: A welcome to the first virtual EGU General Assembly from EGU President Alberto Montanari

#shareEGU20: A welcome to the first virtual EGU General Assembly from EGU President Alberto Montanari

I am enjoying a positive feeling while I am writing these words to open the EGU2020 General Assembly #shareEGU20. In my opinion, a positive attitude is the best way to pay a tribute to the persons – including some colleagues and friends – who lost their lives due to COVID19. It is in their memory that we are looking to the future and making an effort to transform this crisis into an opportunity. I ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: An EGU dining experience in your own home..?!

#shareEGU20: An EGU dining experience in your own home..?!

One of the things we will miss the most about being together in Vienna this year, is the great meals and lunches spent with friends (both new and old). We all have a favourite Austrian meal, so this year we picked four of our favourites and will be releasing one a day during the week. If you want to skip ahead, here are all four of our EGU most iconic GA foods!   The classic and essential, yo ...[Read More]