There are two additional Union Symposia (US) that have been added to the EGU General Assembly 2011 Programme. Union Symposia 4 (US4) The 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake will be in Room D, on Thursday 7 April from 08:30–10:15. Union Symposia (US5) The 11 March 2011 Tohoku (Sendai) Earthquake and Tsunami will be in Room D, on Friday 8 April from 08:30–10:00. For both sessions further detail ...[Read More]
Experiences of the EGU General Assembly
For those of you who maybe attending the General Assembly for the first time, you may be wondering what it’s like from a participant’s point of view. The short piece below gives one person’s views of attending the General Assembly in 2010. I attended EGU last year for the first time. When I arrived there the feeling was just ”WOW!”. EGU General Assembly is such a huge conference! ...[Read More]
EGU Journals: Special Edition of NHESS
The latest edition of NHESS (Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences) features a post-face by Münch et al. summarising the special issue which has 22 peer-reviewed papers concerning the GITEWS (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System) project. Münch et al. (2011) state how the idea for the special issue of NHESS was formulated at the EGU General Assembly in 2009. The papers cover all aspe ...[Read More]
Presenting at the EGU General Assembly 2011
This post will outline what’s available in the presentation rooms, pointing you to the appropriate pages on the EGU GA 2011 website. Oral Presentations The guidelines for oral presentations online. The link includes the equipment available in each room (laptop, beamer, microphone, laser pointer, ability to hook up your own laptop etc.). Oral presentations this year are only in time blocks 1 ...[Read More]