
General Assembly

VIPS at EGU GA 2011

During the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 several distringuished guests have been hosted. These have included the Irish Ambassador to Austria for HS1.1 Perspectives for the Future of Hydrology in a Changing Environment. Memorial Session in Honour of Professor Jim Dooge and the New Zealand Ambassador to Austria for the Union Symposia on the Christchurch Earthquake and accopanying ...[Read More]

Friday at EGU GA 2011

Welcome to the last day of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna 2011. Some union wide events of note are below. The winner of the photography competition will be announced at 12:15 in the Crystal Lounge. Home will be shown in the GeoCinema from 17:30 (for 90 minutes) and we have a chocolate and sweets stall in the Exhibition Hall. 08:30–10:20 Union Symposium. The 11 March 2011 ...[Read More]

Can Europe use less of these metals?

Can Europe use less of these metals? How much of this demand is driven by our throw-away culture? There has been little response to the last blogpost, does everyone agree with the panel or everyone agee with the questioner? Please start the conversation here… For the Great Debate Webstream please visit the EGU GA 2011 webstreaming pages. The session details can be found on the EGU General As ...[Read More]

Perspectives from EGU GA 2011 (4)

This year on the EGU General Assembly blog there will be guest posts from participants about their research and their impressions of sessions. These are personal points of view not EGU corporate views. If you would like to contribute a research or session viewpoint, please email us. This viewpoint is James Pope concerning the Union Masterclass (webstream available here). James is a PhD student at ...[Read More]