
General Assembly

Sci Comm at the 2013 General Assembly

Blogging GeoLog will be updated regularly throughout the General Assembly, highlighting some of the meeting’s most interesting sessions, workshops and lectures as well as featuring interviews with scientists attending the Assembly. Writers from the EGU Blog Network will also be posting about interesting research and sessions during the Assembly, so you can catch up on any sessions you’ve missed an ...[Read More]

PICO Presentations Explained

So you’re presenting with PICO? What does that mean exactly? Presenting Interactive COntent, or PICO, sessions highlight the essence of a particular research area – just enough to get excited about a topic without being overloaded with information. If a particular session piques your interest, you can look over the presentation in more detail at your leisure – straight after the session or at any ...[Read More]

Photo exhibit at EGU 2013: The Andean Geotrail

The enormous space and time scales that Geology covers makes teaching it a challenge, one best overcome by field experience, but it’s a rare thing for a school to be able to explore Geological wonders on the other side of the world. So what if someone brought it to you? Olivier Galland (who we had the chance to interview in December), together with Caroline Sassier, set up an educational project ( ...[Read More]

Events for Young Scientists at EGU 2013

Short Courses Demystifying Open Access – an open discussion for early career researchers tackling how OA can benefit young scientists without compromising their careers. From what it costs to publish an open access paper to how we can measure its impact, all interested scientists are invited to drop in and join us over drinks in a marketplace of discussion. How to apply for a job. It’s a topic rar ...[Read More]