
General Assembly

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – ONE WEEK LEFT!

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – ONE WEEK LEFT!

In 2010 EGU held our first annual Photo Competition at the General Assembly in Vienna. Since then hundreds of photos have been shared on imaggeo by geoscientists and researchers just like you, with a lucky few being selected each year to be highlighted during the meeting and voted on by our members.   These images can be of anything to do with geology or geoscience – we get many beautif ...[Read More]

Join the Life-Work-Balance activities at EGU23!

Join the Life-Work-Balance activities at EGU23!

Dear fellow scientists (and readers joining us at EGU23!), It’s us again, the “Life-Work-Balance” group of EGU. We are a team of scientists organizing various events related to life-work-balance during the EGU General Assembly and would like to share our experience with you. For this year’s General Assembly we are organizing several short courses and pop-up events to offer some guidanc ...[Read More]

What you can do to ensure a safe and inclusive EGU23!

What you can do to ensure a safe and inclusive EGU23!

It is true that academic gatherings like scientific conferences can offer great opportunities for career advancement, such as building stronger networks, highlighting your research, and finding new opportunities for collaboration. Unfortunately, many conferences are not equally inclusive to all (see the image below) and can pose as unsafe environments for presenters and participants. With EGU23 on ...[Read More]

How to make your EGU23 presentation accessible to all

EGU23 image of two rock formations forming a gateway to the river plains beyond, with the EGU logo and the EGU23 title

Most people spend their time and effort making their presentation engaging and impactful, but what about accessibility? An accessible presentation takes into account the diverse backgrounds and abilities of the audience, to enable better understanding and recall of the content shared. This is also true for the way we share scientific research: presenters would do well to communicate their research ...[Read More]