Teachers and educators interested in taking part in the 2013 Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop should submit their symposium applications and requests for travel and accommodation support by 30 October 2012. As previously announced on the EGU website, the GIFT workshop will be taking place on April 8-10 2013 at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. The topic of the 2013 e ...[Read More]
EGU Outreach Committee meets in Tuscany, Italy
Members of the Munich-based Executive Office recently met with other members of the EGU Outreach Committee just outside Pisa, Italy, to brainstorm about the Union’s various outreach activities. The two-day meeting, led by Chairman of the EGU Outreach Committee Niels Hovius, was held primarily to establish a coherent long- and short-term outreach plan for the Union, some of which will be cove ...[Read More]
Geosciences Column: A teaching game for water managers
In this month’s Geosciences Column, Wayne Deeker tells us about a new game – first presented in EGU’s Hydrology and Earth System Sciences – that aims to teach how to best share water resources. With shrinking glaciers, depleted groundwater stores, and rising populations, water resources have never been under such pressure, and worse is yet to come. The resulting conflicts can get ugly and bring hi ...[Read More]
Teachers at Sea: Farewell Marion!
In the last couple of weeks, GeoLog had the pleasure to host reports from Teachers at Sea. This educational programme, co-sponsored by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the French Polar Insitute (IPEV), gives school teachers the opportunity to take part in oceanographic cruises with scientists. This year, Sandrine Vivier and Ana Sánchez, teachers of Biology and Geology in Rodez (France) and ...[Read More]