

Sending GIFT to Africa: A new collaboration between the EGU, UNESCO and ESA

For the past ten years, the EGU’s Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshops – spreading first hand scientific research to teachers of primary and secondary schools – have been hugely successful in shortening the time that research takes to disseminate from scientist to textbook to teacher and offering usable practical activities for the classroom. GIFT workshops are usually held at the ...[Read More]

EGU young scientists! Become a Skype mentor for school science projects

For many young scientists getting the time to go into a school directly and work with kids on geoscience related projects is an appealing yet unachievable notion due to the various time and location constraints of research. Luckily, the British Science Association is offering young scientists across Europe the opportunity to mentor school kids undertaking CREST Awards – project based award schemes ...[Read More]

Applications for the 2014 GIFT workshop are open!

Every year, the EGU Committee on Education organises a workshop that spreads first-hand scientific information to teachers. The theme of this year’s Geosciences Information For Teachers (GIFT) workshop is Our Changing Planet and it will be taking place on April 27–30 2014 at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. The workshop will explore some of the recent complex changes of our environment ...[Read More]

New Educational Fellow at the EGU Office

Hello, I am Jane, the new Education Officer at the EGU. My role here is to help develop and implement the EGU’s educational strategy and initiatives for formal and informal education as well as working on exciting new education-related collaborations for the EGU. I earned my BSc (Hons) Geology from the University of Edinburgh then went on to gain an MRes in Heritage Science from University College ...[Read More]