
Early Career Scientists

An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.

An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.

I am pretty sure that everyone has had this experience at one time or another. You attend a meeting or conference and, despite the diversity of people in the audience, the people on the podium invited to speak are uniformly men. If you come from the same part of the world as I do (Western Europe) this experience can also probably be extended to the panel only being white, often native English spea ...[Read More]

AI-based tools in scientific publishing: to what extent can we rely on them?

AI-based tools in scientific publishing: to what extent can we rely on them?

Academic publishing has considerably evolved in response to technological developments. Current discussions revolve around the rise of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools or Large Language Models (LLM). They exceed the capabilities of simple spelling and grammar checkers or translation software and their use in the publication process has several implications that need to be considered. ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Gino de Gelder, researcher of the link between tectonics, sea-level rise & coral reefs!

GeoTalk: meet Gino de Gelder, researcher of the link between tectonics, sea-level rise & coral reefs!

Hello Gino! Welcome to GeoTalk. Could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your background? Sure thing! My background is mostly in tectonics, geomorphology and the evolution of (active) fault systems, which I developed during my studies at Utrecht University and my PhD at the IPGP (Paris). Initially I focused on the way that coastlines record either uplift or subsidence in response ...[Read More]