
Early Career Scientists

Launching the EGU Twitter Journal Club!

To commemorate approaching the magical 1,000-follower mark on Twitter, the EGU is happy to launch its online journal club! This relatively new concept has proven to be very popular in other areas of science and we’re keen to see how it evolves within the rapidly growing EGU online community. How does it work? Initially, we will present you with a publicly accessible journal article (likely from an ...[Read More]

Interview: Joel Gill, founding director of Geology for Global Development (GfGD)

Geology for Global Development (GfGD) is a new UK organisation. Its vision is to inspire students and recent graduates in the geosciences to use their knowledge of the Earth to fight poverty and improve lives. Many geoscientists work on issues such as water resources, energy supply, mining, infrastructure, natural hazards and climate change. Their knowledge of this broad range of subjects mean the ...[Read More]

Financial Support for EGU GA 2012

A limited amount of the overall budget of the EGU General Assembly 2012 is reserved to assist young scientists to attend the assembly. The financial support may include waiving of the registration fee and a refund of the Abstract Processing Charge (APC) related to the abstract for which support was requested. Additionally, the grant may include a support for travel expenditures. The European Geosc ...[Read More]