My name is Ned Staniland and I am a third year PhD student in space physics at Imperial College London. I study the magnetic field of Saturn using data from the Cassini-Huygens mission that was launched in 1997. In July 2020, I was lucky enough to be EGU’s first intern where I worked in their policy and communications team. Finding an Internship Since the beginning of my PhD, I have kept an ...[Read More]
3 ways geoscientists can support the Biodiversity Strategy for the EU’s Green Deal

'Elnia raised bog in northwestern Belarus' by Annett Thiele (distributed via
The European Union Green Deal outlines an ambitious plan for turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities to make the EU’s economy sustainable and make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. This plan covers a wide range of topics such as preventing biodiversity loss, achieving net-zero pollution and making the agricultural industry more sustainable. These topics include sp ...[Read More]