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Sara Mynott

Imaggeo on Mondays: Great Glacial Folds

Whether you’re climbing, hiking or caving, it’s hard to ignore the geology around you. For keen climber and environmental geoscientist Ivan Bour, a trip to the French Alps is no exception… I’ve practiced mountain climbing for a dozen years. During my ascents, I seek geomorphological and geological peculiarities. Very often, I associate my profession as a geologist with my activities in the high mo ...[Read More]

Making Every Word Count: How to Write a Good Job Application

Finding a job can be a daunting task, whether you’re looking to stay in science or use your skills elsewhere. Helen Goulding and Sarah Blackford have put together a short series on how to make a great application and excel in an interview, sharing top tips from their talk at EGU 2013. Here are Helen’s highlights…     Imagine for a moment that you are an employer and that you need to fill a vacancy ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Encarnación Ruiz-Agudo

GeoTalk is a regular feature highlighting early career researchers and their work. Today we’re talking to Encarnación Ruiz-Agudo whose specialty lies in crystal growth and dissolution – the key to how rocks tell their stories! First, could you introduce yourself and let us know a bit about your current research? Also, what sparked your interest in crystallography and mineralogy? My name is Encarna ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Stars in the Sand

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is brought to you by the photographer herself, Jana Eichel, who tells us about her expedition to the Mingsha Mountains and the stunning aeolian landforms that characterise the landscape. This photo was taken during a journey through Asia in spring 2012, which took me across Bangladesh, India and Nepal through to Western China and into the Gobi Desert. This journey al ...[Read More]