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Chloe Hill

Chloe Hill is the EGU Policy Manager. In this role, she provides scientists with information and resources that enable them to actively engage in the European policy process. She coordinates several activities that provide policymakers with scientific information and connects them with researchers around Europe. Chloe previously worked for the African EU Energy Partnership, and as a research assistant for the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability, the Institute of Climate and Sustainable Cities, and Forestry Tasmania. Chloe tweets at @Chl0e_Hill

GeoPolicy: When policymakers misuse science

GeoPolicy: When policymakers misuse science

Most of the EGU’s GeoPolicy blog posts focus on overarching topics that I believe will be useful for the majority of scientists who read them. I see myself as a facilitator who connects scientists and policymakers, providing impartial information to promote more effective knowledge exchange and subsequently evidence-informed policies. This month’s GeoPolicy post however, takes a differ ...[Read More]

EGU virtual Science-Policy Pairing Scheme with MEP Maria Spyraki

EGU virtual Science-Policy Pairing Scheme with MEP Maria Spyraki

The EGU sponsors an annual science-policy pairing scheme each year to help promote a culture of evidence-informed policymaking and encourage stronger science-policy partnerships! The EGU’s 2020/21 pairing scheme was slightly different from normal, being run virtually rather than in person as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions. This month’s GeoPolicy blog post is written by Renée Bic ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: Your guide to science for policy at #vEGU21!

GeoPolicy: Your guide to science for policy at #vEGU21!

The EGU General Assembly is the largest geoscience meeting in Europe. It has a wide range of scientific sessions that you can attend to gain a greater understanding about specific topics both within and outside of your research area. Every year there are also numerous non-scientific sessions that can attend to expand your network, diversify your expertise, and develop new skills – including those ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: How to achieve policy impact

GeoPolicy: How to achieve policy impact

Last year, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published their Science for Policy Handbook that provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers. The Handbook is divided into 19 Chapters covering different areas of science for policy as well as some of the challenges that scientists face when engaging with policy and potential solutions. This month’s GeoPo ...[Read More]