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Hazel Gibson

Hazel Gibson is Head of Communications at the European Geosciences Union. She is responsible for the management of the Union's social media presence and the EGU blogs, where she writes regularly for the EGU's official blog, GeoLog. She has a PhD in Geoscience Communication and Cognition from the University of Plymouth in the UK. Hazel tweets @iamhazelgibson.

#shareEGU20: let’s get creative and share EGU art!

#shareEGU20: let’s get creative and share EGU art!

Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, EGU has made the decision to cancel this year’s physical General Assembly in Vienna and instead offer a partial alternative meeting online, called #shareEGU20. Over the next few weeks in the run up to #shareEGU20, which will be held from the 4 – 8 May 2020, we will be posting regular updates and information about how to get involved, what EGU ca ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: planning your week of digital interaction!

#shareEGU20: planning your week of digital interaction!

Earlier this week, we announced that the new and revised schedule for #shareEGU20 has been released. If you missed that announcement you can take a look at the website for that here, it’s ok, we will wait…   Now that you have had a quick look, maybe found your abstract, or session, you probably have a few questions. Over the next few weeks we will be trying to answer as many of these question ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly 2020 cancellation: Alberto Montanari and Susanne Buiter talk about the decision – and what comes next

EGU General Assembly 2020 cancellation: Alberto Montanari and Susanne Buiter talk about the decision – and what comes next

On 19 March EGU announced that it has cancelled the physical EGU General Assembly 2020 in Vienna, Austria. We spoke to the Union President Alberto Montanari and Programme Committee Chair Susanne Buiter to get some more information about what this means, how this decision was made and what comes next.   Hello Alberto and Susanne, thank you for answering my questions. Today we found out the EGU ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: The mirror of the volcano

Imaggeo on Mondays: The mirror of the volcano

Lascar volcano is located in the Antofagasta Region of Chile. This stratovolcano (a conical volcano built up over time through successive eruptions of lava, tephra and ash) of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes is the most active volcano of the region, with a height of 5.592 m (18,34 ft). The last phase of eruptive activity before this photo was taken was on October 30, 2015, which produced an ...[Read More]