If you are registered for the EGU25 General Assembly (27 April – 2 May), you can take part in our annual photo competition. Winners receive free registration to next year’s General Assembly! It’s that time of year again! Yes, today the fifteenth annual EGU photo competition opened for submissions!! Until 31 March, every participant registered for the General Assembly can submit up to t ...[Read More]
Top 5 Gifts for Geoscientists (2024 edition!)
The nights are growing darker and there is snow on the ground here in Munich as winter draws in, in the Northern Hemisphere, and at this time of year you are probably thinking about what gifts to get that special geoscientist in your life! We know sourcing appropriately nerdy and/or geology related gifts can sometimes be a challenge, so we in the EGU office are back again to help you out with our ...[Read More]
GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during July!
Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights section. For July, the divisions we are featuring are Biogeosciences (BG) and Hydrological Sciences (HS). They are served by the journals: Biogeosciences (BG), Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), Hydrology and Earth System S ...[Read More]
GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during June!
Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For February, the Divisions we are featuring are: Geomorphology (GM) and Ocean Sciences (OS). They are served by the journals: Ocean Science (OS), Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf), Solid Earth (SE) and Geoscientific Mode ...[Read More]