
Emeric Marie A. Babut du Marès

Emeric Babut du Marès is a PhD student at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in the new centre for ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate (iC3), which aims to investigate the interactions between ice sheets, carbon cycles, climate, and ecosystems. Emeric's work consists of shedding light on one of these scientific gaps: where and how much methane is stored as hydrates beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, and how sensitive this methane reservoir is to climate-induced ice sheet mass loss? Interested in the topic? Contact:

A 12-meter sediment core reveals secrets of the Arctic’s past climate

A 12-meter sediment core reveals secrets of the Arctic’s past climate

Extracted from a depth of 2,500 meters, a giant 12-meter long marine sediment core from the Fram Strait, between Svalbard and Greenland, preserves a climate record spanning up to 400,000 years. Its sediment layers offer crucial insights into the Arctic’s past, helping Dr Jochen Knies and his research team answer two important question: Was the Arctic ever ice-free during past warm periods? W ...[Read More]